MBE Constitutional Law Flashcards
What to look for in an encroachment question?
2 branches of government
When are executive orders and agreements valid?
As long as don’t conflict with or try to supersede federal law
When must the President be the one to appoint a person?
If having some executive power or authority
What is executive power/authority?
Power to make rules, regulations, prosecution
When is it okay for both Congress and the President to appoint someone to something?
As long as they don’t have any executive power, it’s okay
What can the legislature spend for?
The general welfare
What can Congress modify in terms of SCOTUS jurisdiction?
Can only modify/touch SCOTUS appellate jurisdiction
What courts does Congress have jurisdiction over?
Lower federal courts (not SCOTUS)
If state and federal law conflict, which prevails?
Federal law
To avoid preemption state law can be…?
More restrictive than federal law
What is police power?
Health, welfare, safety of citizens
What is the commandeer rule?
Congress can NOT command/obligate/require a state to do anything
When does privileges and immunities clause kick in?
When a state passes a law that discriminated based on residency
When does Equal Protection Clause come into play?
When the government treats people differently from other people
When to apply strict scrutiny to Equal Protection claims?
Race, alienage (non-U.S. citizen, national origin)
What are the elements of strict scrutiny?
Government has burden to prove: (1) Necessary to achieve (2) compelling government interest
When to apply intermediate scrutiny to Equal Protection claims?
Gender, illegitimacy (illegitimate children)
What are the elements of intermediate scrutiny?
Government has burden to prove that: (1) substantially related to (2) important government interest
When to apply rational basis scrutiny to Equal Protection claims?
Everyone else
What are the elements of rational basis scrutiny?
Plaintiff has burden to prove: (1) not rationally related to (2) legitimate government interest
When does Due Process come into play?
Government taking away or regulating people’s rights (affecting everyone in general)
What level of scrutiny to apply if government affecting fundamental rights?
Strict scrutiny
What are the fundamental rights?
1) Travel (inter-state)
2) Vote
3) Free speech
4) Privacy
What are the rights to privacy?
C- Contraception A- Abortion M- Marriage P- Procreation E- Education (Private) R- Rearing
What is right to rearing?
Right to raise family
What is the test for abortion?
Undue burden test
When does procedural due process come into play?
Taking away a property right from an individual (not a business)
What are property rights?
1) Employment
2) Licenses (bar license)
3) Benefits
What if taking away a benefit but not entitled to that benefit yet?
Procedural due process is inapplicable
What are the requirements for procedural due process?
1) Notice
2) Hearing
What is the Free Exercise clause?
INDIVIDUAL has right to exercise their religion in any manner they choose, as long as they do not violate the law
What to look for in Free Exercise questions?
Intent. Government must be neutral as to religion
What is the establishment clause?
Government shall pass no law that establishes religion
What is the Lemon test?
1) law has secular purpose
2) cannot promote or inhibit religion
3) Government cannot get too entangled with religion
What does it mean for government to be entangled with religion?
Money. Can’t sponsor or give money to religion (books, scholarships, tax breaks, etc)
What can the government do regarding speech?
Regulate, not ban
What are the two types of speech regulations?
1) Content based
2) Content neutral
What are content based regulations of speech?
Government regulating the words being said (trying to shut message down)
What level of scrutiny applies to content based regulations of speech?
Strict scrutiny
What are content neutral regulations of speech?
Government regulating time, place, and manner
What level of scrutiny to apply to content neutral regulations of speech?
Intermediate scrutiny
Significant or important interest and leaves open alternative means of expression
What does 13th amendment do?
Bans slavery and incidents of slavery
Who is subject to 13th amendment?
Everyone. No state action necessary
What does it mean if a case is moot?
Issue has already been litigated and therefore cannot be litigated again
What does it mean if a case is unripe?
Case is not ready for trial because nothing has actually happened yet
What is a bill of attainder?
Law that is passed that names an individual or group and levies civil or criminal penalties
Is a bill of attainder constitutional?
What is an ex post facto law?
Law that retroactively makes conduct that was legal now illegal
When does Dormant Commerce Clause come into play?
State passes a law that discriminates against out of state BUSINESSES
When does dormant commerce clause not violated/come into play?
When the state is acting as a market participant and when Congress allows them to
What does a plaintiff need to show to have standing?
1) concrete stake in the outcome of the controversy
2) shown by an injury in fact
3) caused by defendant
4) that can be remedied by a ruling in plaintiff’s favor
What kind of injury is needed to have standing?
Injury in fact (more than a theoretical injury)
Does a senator have standing to sue the President if he is able to line item veto?
When would state regulation of interstate commerce be valid?
When Congress has not acted and: (1) does not discriminate against out of state parties; and (2) unduly burden interstate commerce
What standard to apply if state regulation discriminates against interstate commerce?
Valid if necessary to an important, non-economic government interest
What would be violated if a regulation limits access to privately owned in state products?
Negative implications of the Commerce Clause
What is an example of noneconomic state interests for purposes of burdening interstate commerce?
Health or safety
May a state regulate in ways that impact on interstate commerce?
Only as long as the regulation does so only indirectly and the benefits outweigh the burdens imposed by compliance with the regulation
What categories must federal law regulate in terms of the commerce clause?
1) channels of interstate commerce;
2) instrumentalities of interstate commerce;
3) articles moving in interstate commerce; or
4) activities that have a substantial effect on interstate commerce
Do states have plenary authority to construct their tax system in any manner they choose?
How may states structure their tax system?
Only in ways that do not violate some portion of the Constitution
Who can add to or change the qualification for a federal officer?
No one (neither a state or Congress)
Who has the authority to be the final judge on the qualifications of the the houses of Congress?
Each house of Congress has the authority to be the final judge of the qualifications of its own members (Ex: determining whether the person is eligible to serve)
Who has the power to hear/be the final arbitrator of disputes between two or more states?
The Courts (see Article 3, Section 2)
What power is given to Congress in Article V?
Article V gives Congress the power to propose, by a 2/3 vote, a constitutional amendment for ratification by 3/4 of the states
When Congress sends a proposed amendment to the states for ratification what will it typically do?
It will typically dictate a time frame in which the ratification process must be completed
What cases can SCOTUS hear on certiorari?
(1) Cases from the highest state courts where
(a) the constitutionality of a federal statute, treaty, or state statute is called into question, or
(b) a state allegedly violates federal law; and
(2) all cases from federal courts of appeals
Is it enough to require SCOTUS to decline review if the state supreme court said that its decision comported with the same provision in the state constitution without any interpretation?
To. prevail on a Free Exercise claim, what must the challenger show?
That the government action targeted the religious practice in question. By doing so –> strict scrutiny
What is considered police power?
Health, safety, welfare
What is the four step process to determine whether regulation of commercial speech is valid?
1) Whether the commercial speech concerns a lawful activity that is not misleading or fraudulent
2) Regulation must serve a substantial government interest;
3) Must directly advance that interest
4) Must be narrowly tailored to serve the substantial interest
Is a law barring the solicitation of accident victims within a limited period following an accident narrowly tailored?
Yes, it is narrowly tailored to serve the state’s substantial interest in protecting the privacy of victims
Who has the power to preserve the federal monopoly over foreign affairs?
What can congress do for the general welfare?
What can Congress NOT do for the general welfare?
Congress CANNOT directly regulate the general welfare