MBE Con Law Flashcards
Strict Scrutiny
Government burden to prove law is necessary to achieve COMPELLING interest.
National Origin
Intermediate Scrutiny
Government burden to prove law SUBSTANTIALLY related to IMPORTANT interest
Illegitimacy (Kids out of wedlock)
Rational Basis
Plaintiff has burden to show law is NOT RATIONALLY related to LEGITIMATE interest
Everyone else
**Types of due process: **
No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, and Property without Due Process
(Property Interest)
If a property right is taken away, person shall have a right to NOTICE and right to a HEARING.
Needs to affect at least 1 person.
Property Rights: Job, license, benefits
(Liberty Interest)
Statute depriving ALL PEOPLE of doing something.
Government taking away one of our rights – limiting everyone.
If fundamental right - Strict Scrutiny – If not, Rational Basis
Privacy Rights: CAMPER
Contraption Abortion Marriage Procreation Education Right to Raise Family
Other Fundamental Rights:
Right to vote – Right to free speech – Right to Interstate travel
Free Exercise of Religion
INDIVIDUALS have the right to exercise their religion any manner they choose, as long as they do not violate the law.
Look for intent of government action – intent to stop someone from practicing.
If government has reason – then ok. If not, then not ok.
**Establishment Clause **
Gov cant choose one religion over another
Government making a law which may be too closely related to religion.
Apply LEMON test:
1) Statute has secular purpose – non religious and
2) Government cannot promote or inhibit particular religion – must be neutral and
3) Government cannot get too “entangled” with religion.
Example: tax breaks, cannot promote or sponsor religions
1st Amendment
Gov cant ban speech but can regulate it.
Content Based –> strict scrutiny
Content Neutral –> Intermediate scrutiny
Content Based Speech Regulation
Government regulates the words we are saying
strict scrutiny
Content Neutral Speech Regulation
Government regulating the time, place, and manner.
As long as the message gets out – it is reasonable.
For reasonable, government must:
1. Have significant or important interest and
2. Leaves open alternative means of expression
intermediate scrutiny
Separation of Powers
One branch cannot encroach on another branch.
Executive Branch Powers
Only Federal Crimes - Veto
- Can appoint judges, ambassadors, and anyone with executive power.
- Can jointly appoint with congress but without executive power.
- Executive powers – rules, regulations, and prosecution.
Commander in Chief
- Cannot declare war
Executive Order
- Domestic matters (Federal Law Supersedes)
Executive Agreement
- International matters (Federal Law Supersedes)
Legislative Branch Powers
- Interstate – very big power
- Controls making, shipping, retailing of goods.
- Raises revenue for general welfare
- Can spend for the general welfare
Coin Money
- Currency
Federal Land
- All federal property - all Washington D.C.
- Can be developed, or undeveloped land.
- Power to declare war
Judicial Branch Powers
(Supreme and Federal Courts)
Original Jurisdiction
- Congress cannot enlarge or restrict original jurisdiction.
Appellate Jurisdiction
- Congress may modify appellate jurisdiction.
Supreme Court
- Congress cannot touch the supreme court.
Lower Federal Courts
- Congress can create more or less court – can’t tell them what to do.
State Rights: 10th amendment & comandeering rule
10th Amendment:
When there is no conflict between Federal and State Law, the State can be stricter - never less than federal.
When no federal law, State can exercise its police power to provide for the health, safety and welfare of the citizens.
There are no such thing as federal police power!
Congress cannot pass a law for general welfare – can only spend and tax!
Commandeer Rule:
Congress cant require a state to do anything!
Privileges and Immunities Clause
Privileges and Immunities Clause:
When one state discriminates against residents of another state
Residents vs. Non-Residents
Limitations on Bringing Cases to Federal Court
- Standing: Must have an actual injury – must be personal, at stake.
Ok if (1) difficult for 3rd party cant assert thier own rights or (2) close relationship.
State Action: Defendant must be a State Actor. Cannot be a private person.
Exception: 13th Amendment – racial discrimination not allowed by state/government/ private. - Mootness: Case is over – nothing left to litigate.
Ripeness: o Case is not ready for trial – too soon.
Example: law hasn’t passed yet.
Dormant Commerce Clause
State passes law which discriminates against out of state businesses.
1) Market Participant: State runs and controls the business.
2) Congress allows it.
Bill of Attainer
1) State passes a law naming a person or group and
2) Punishes them with civil/criminal penalties.
Ex Post Facto
State makes conduct that was legal when the person did it into illegal and retroactively.
5th vs 14th Amendment
5th Amendment - Congress Power
14th Amendment - State Power
Standing: Congress v. President
No standing for presidental spending.
Only have standing for congress spending.
Sovereign Immunity: 11th amendment
a private party suit against a state in federal and state courts.
States can be sued if they consent to it.
Can sue city or county, police departments - they have no sovereign immunity.
21st Amendment - State control over intoxicating liquor
state government has the wibe discretion over the importation of liquor and the conditions under which it is sold or used within the state.
Violates commernce is its only for an economic preference.
State taxation of interstate commerce
Use tax: tax on goods purchased outside of the states, but used within. Ok but cant be higher than sales tax.
**Sales tax: **tax on sale of goods consummated within the good. Ok if there is substantial nexus to the taxing state and the tax is properly appointed.
Ad Volorem Tax: tax on assessed value of some property.
Commodities: valid only if property is no longer in interstate commerce.
instrumentalities: valid if instrumentality has “taxable situs” in state and tax is fairly apportioned.
Privliege, License, Franchise, and Occupational Tax: valid if (1) substantial nexus to taxing state, (2) fairly apportioned, (3) does not descriminate against interstate commerce, and (5) fairly relates to services provided by the state.
This is a tax placed on activities (ex. doing business)