MBE Flashcards
Bill of Attainder
Cannot expressly PUNISH an individual or named group of people with criminal or civil penalties
Ex post facto
Gov’t law that retroactively makes action illegal
K clause
State gov’t cannot pass a law that expressly impairs your ability to enter into a K
Property Clause of Article IV, section 3
Gives Congress power to dispose of and make all needful rules and regulations respecting US property
No limit on Congress’s power to dispose of US property
Full Faith and Credit Clause
applies to public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state.
Supremacy Clause
Supremacy Clause makes Constitution, fed laws and treaties, “supreme law of the land.”
10A provides all powers not assigned by Constitution to fed gov’t are reserved to states, or people.
ad valorem tax
tax is based on the value of property located in the state.
Contract Clause
Prohibits a state legislature from impairing a K between a private party and the state.
Does NOT apply to federal action or court decisions.
Can a state limit contributions to ballot measures?
NO a state cannot limit contributions to ballot measures
What standard of review do statutes limiting campaign contributions get?
statutes limiting campaign contributions are subject to intermediate scrutiny: they must be “closely drawn” to correspond with a sufficiently important interest.
Is there a federal police power?
NO, dummy!
When is a taking found?
A taking is almost always found if:
(i) Actual appropriation or destruction of property, or gov’t permanently physically invades property; and
(ii) PERMANENT, total loss of economic value in land.
original jurisdiction
Constitution says SCOTUS has OG jurisdiction over all cases bw 2+ states. Congress can grant concurrent original jurisdiction to lower federal courts.
What prohibits states from interfering with federal detention by issuing a writ of habeas corpus?
Supremacy Clause
How can the Supremacy prohibits states from interfering with federal detention?
By issuing a writ of habeas corpus.