Mayan Scholars Flashcards
1562 burned 27 Maya hieroglyphic codices at Maní as protest against child sacrifice.
Manuscript with Mayan “alphabet”
de Landa
Champion of Native American Rights
de las Casas
Nine Volume history of Mexico.
Wanted to prove that Maya were descendants of the 10 Lost Tribes of Israel
Concluded that the Egyptians, Hindus or Chaldeans had founded Maya Civilization
Died at age of 109
de Waldeck
Believed Maya were root of all civilization
American diplomat and early explorer photographer.
English artist and early explorer.
Stephens (photographer only) and Catherwood (drawer)
Folio photograph books of Maya ruins
Plaster casts of Mayan stelae
Artist of Maya, one of first women to work in Maya area
Annie Hunter
watercolor drawings of the ruins
Adela Breton
Purchased the City Chichen Itza.
Edward Herbert Thompson
In 1861 published a French translation of the Popol Vuh, sacred book of the Quiché Maya people.
Brasseur de Bourberg
• Maya writing system ideographic or pictographic. • No phonetic component. • Each glyph represented whole ideas and concepts.
• System ideographic or pictographic. Classification of Mayan signs.
J. Eric Thompson
• Russian that used De Landa’s manuscript. He went unnoticed in the west
• 1958 – identified emblem glyphs
• consisted of a larger “main
sign” and two smaller signs
• Like Berlin noted re-occurring
glyphs dates • on Stelae
• generally arranged in groups on
Tatiana Proskouriakoff
• Schele taught the modern Maya
how to write and read in their native hieroglyphics. By 1983, 95% of the glyphs could be read.
who started translation in 1977 at the age of 12.