May 16 Flashcards
agitated (adj) /ˈædʒɪteɪtɪd/
bất an
restless /ˈrestləs/ (adj)
bồn chồn
whine (v) /waɪn/ (có thể dùng cho ng, vật, máy móc)
rên rỉ
forewarn verb
e forewarned of something
The commander had been forewarned of the attack.
cảnh báo trước
anecdotal adjective
an anecdotal story
không hoàn toàn đúng
một câu chuyện không toàn đúng
seismic activity (adj) /ˈsaɪzmɪk/
hoạt động địa chất
infrasonic sounds adjective
hạ âm (âm thanh dưới 20 Hz, con ng không nghe được)
to leave a person or place very quickly, especially because you are afraid of possible danger
bỏ trốn (vì sợ hãi)
to flee
attempt verb/noun
attempt to do some thing
to make an effort or try to do something, especially something difficult
rudimentary adjective
not highly or fully developed=basic
ledge /ledʒ/ (n)
a narrow, flat piece of rock that sticks out from a cliff
elaborate (adj) /ɪˈlæbərət/
very complicated and detailed; carefully prepared and organized
inherent /ɪnˈherənt/ /ɪnˈhɪrənt/ (adj)
inherent problem IN our society
tính Vốn có+IN
vấn đề vốn có của xã hội chúng ta
aloft (adv) /əˈlɒft/
Her kite remained aloft for hours
high in the air
ascertain verb
It can be difficult to ascertain the facts
It is ascertained that….
to find out the true or correct information about something
xác minh
aerodynamics /ˌeərəʊdaɪˈnæmɪks/
Research has focused on improving the car’s aerodynamics.
khí động học
the qualities of an object that affect the way it moves through the air
rudder (n)
bánh lái
rudderless (adj)
không có bánh lái
glider /ˈɡlaɪdə(r)/
a light aircraft that flies without an engine
Tàu lượn (máy bay nhỏ nhẹ không có động cơ đốt trong)
to invent; to put together
đặt kế hoạch
configuration noun
cấu hình
aileron noun
a part of the wing of a plane that moves up and down to control the plane’s balance
lateral adjective
relating to the side of something or to movement to the side
thuộc ở bên, hướng bên
steering noun
thiết bị lái
burgeoning adjective
beginning to grow or develop rapidly
determine verb
to discover the facts about something; to calculate something exactly
encounter verb
gặp gỡ/ đụng độ
- manifest /ˈmænɪfest/
2. manifest itself (in something)
- to show something clearly, especially a feeling, an attitude or a quality = demonstrate
- to appear or become easy to notice
accountability noun
trách nhiệm/nghĩa vụ
outward (adj)
hướng ra ngoài
to stem from sth
to be the result of something
*bắt nguồn từ
innate adjective
the innate ability to learn
bẩm sinh
assign something (to somebody) /əˈsaɪn/ The teacher assigned a different task to each of the children.
to give somebody something that they can use, or some work or responsibility
urge noun
a strong desire to do sth
aggressively adverb
in a way that is angry and threatening
prone (adj)
likely to suffer from something or to do something bad
*dễ bị
injustice noun
the fact of a situation being unfair and of people not being treated equally; an unfair act or an example of unfair treatment
sự bất công
inclined adjective
inclined (to do something)
wanting to do something
EX: She was inclined to trust him.
inverted (adj)
bị đảo ngược
ascribe something to somebody
to consider or state that a book, etc. was written by a particular person
SYNONYM attribute
perception noun
Word Family
[uncountable, countable] (formal)
an idea, a belief or an image you have as a result of how you see or understand something
ego noun
/ˈiːɡəʊ/, /ˈeɡəʊ/
your sense of your own value and importance
cái tôi
to magnify something
to make something bigger, louder or stronger
*phóng đại sth