MAY Flashcards
I started early today
Empecé el día temprano hoy
Spring has been very rsiny
La primavera ha sido muy lluvioso
Does it Rain much there?
?llueve mucho alli?
We wait every year
Esperamos cada ano
The Rain stops
Las lluvias paren
You were going to
Ibas a
You were going to travel
Ibas a viajar
You went home
You were going home
Fuiste a casa
Ibas a casa
I went for a walk
I was going for a walk
Fui por un caminar
Iba a por un caminar
Did you live in ca
? Viviste en CA?
I told you that
Te dije que
When we are together
Cuando estemos juntos
It’s rsining
Esta lloviendo
I try to ignor them
Trato ignorarlos
He suggested dinnee
Me sugirió cenar
You find
You feel ok?
? Encuentras bien?
Do you think that
Te parece que ..
With what you see and hear
Con lo que ve y escucha
To take off/ remove
It’s gone
Se ha ido
Since I moved
Desde que me mude
You werent born there
No naciste alli
The same thing happened to you
Me pase igual que a ti
Made of grass
Hechas de yerba
It was removed
Se le quitó
It’s not allowed
No se permite
It’s not approved
No está aprobado
When I stretch
Cuando me estiro
The mood
El animo
It changes my mood
Me cambia el animo
Oír own life
Nuestra propia vida