Maximum Penalties and Implementing/Enforcing Agencies Flashcards
Agency: CFPB
Max Penalty: $10,000 and up to one year in prison. Requiring a specific title company - up to treble damages (three times the cost of the service) in private lawsuits plus the RESPA violation penalty.
Agency: CDPB
Max Penalty: $5,000 per day for a single violation. $25,000 per day for reckless violations. $1,000,000 per day for knowingly violating the TRID rules.
Agency: CFPB
Max Penalty: $10,000 plus actual damages for individual actions.
Fair Housing Act
Agency: HUD
Max Penalty: $16,000 first violation/ $37,500 if previous violation within five years/ $65,000 if two or more violations within seven years.
Any additional private civil lawsuit must be filed within two years.
Mortgage fraud prosecuted under federal fraud statutes
FBI investigates
DOJ prosecutes
Max Penalty: 30 years in prison and up to $1,000,000 in fines plus actual and punitive damages.
Do Not Call
Agency: FTC
Max Penalty: Max fine of $42,530 per violation.