Maxillary, Mandibular Cranial Growth Flashcards
Scammon’s Growth Curve
Max and mand growth tends to follow the gernal growth curve, w/ mandible slower than max
neural finished early w/ growth of brain
genital development comparatively late
lymphoid tissues almost double of adult size around 9-10 yrs of age
Maxillary Growth
Predominant enlargement is posterior and superior, displaced downward and forward
*Intramembranous growth
Deposition of tuberosity - causes arch elongation to allow teeth to fit in
Palate is depository, nasal floor is resorptive (relocates palate inferiorly, inc nasal airway)
Midpalatal suture
closes around 8, may be opened into adolesence
Opened w/ rapid palatal expansion
Opened some w/ quad helix
Used for cross bite, possibly crowding, and Class III
Used for children w/ too narrow of maxilla
V principle of growth
as palate expand and as deposition occurs on the alveolar ridge, the overall bone widens
Mandibular Growth
- endochondral in condylar region
- intramembraneous at other growth sites
displacement of the mand downward and forward leads to predomin trend of growth of posterior and superior
Deposition of bone on posterior of ramus, resorption on anterior of ramus
Tuberosity growth: pos direction, allows for tooth eruption
Chin button growth: depository on chin, resorptive at B point
Mandibular Growth - Condylar Growth
Condyle is a growth site, not growth center
growth occurs as a result of other factors
The condyle is therefore ADAPTIVE
Symphyseal Sutures
closes during 1st year -> hard to expand mandible, Schwartz appliance (expands by uprighting teeth)
Timing of Mandibular Growth (Males v females)
Males: growth rate dec during childhood, inc during adolescence, and attained a max of 3.1 mm/yr at 14.3 yrs old
Females: constant rate of condylar growth during childhoot (2-2.7 mm/yr), smaller adolescent peak (2.3 mm/yr), at approximately 12.2 yrs and rapid deceleration after the peak
Late Mandibular Growth
either mandible displaces distally (TMJ disturbances)
Upper incisors flare (causes spaces)
Lower incisors displace distally (most common, lower incisors crowd)
Mandibular rotation
Overall Forward Rotation
- dec of 3-4 degrees mandibular plane angle (4-adult)
- causes post incisor movement and dec in arch length
- short face type: more rotation than average (square jaw, low MPA, square gonial angle
- long face type: jaw rotates backward and down (high MPA, anterior open bite)
3 planes of space for maxilla and mandible
timing of completed growth
Width completes first - mostly prior to adolescent growth spurt, intercanine width basically complete at 12
Length completes second - females: 14-15, males: 18
Height completes last: females: 17-18, males: early 20’s
Adult Facial Growth
Facial growth continues throughout life
longer and narrower face
How to alter growth
“Headgears” are typically used to retrain anterior max movement or to distalize permanent molars to correct a class II
“Functional” appliances in Class II cases are typically used to inc anteroposterior dimension of the mandible
Effects of Thumb Sucking
Increase Overjet
Decrease Overbite
Fontanelles of Newborn Skull
Sphenoid, Anterior, Mastoid, Posterior