two bones making
up a large part of
the Facial Skeleton
extending from the
medial border of
the orbits to the
upper teeth.
forms the floor of the
orbits, the medial parts of the infra-orbital
borders, lateral wall of the nasal fossae, the floor
of the nasal cavities, part of the roof of the mouth
and most of the cheeks.
Maxillary/Upper Jaw
is large that forms part of
the cheek and lies laterally to the nose
Body of the Maxilla
– is a
large cavity in the body of each maxilla. Each
open into the nose and contains air.
Maxillary Sinuses (Antra of Highmore)
– extends
laterally from the body to meet
the maxillary process of the
Zygomatic bone.
Zygomatic Process
– extends down from the body
to accommodate the upper teeth.
Alveolar Process
is a flat plate that extends
medially above the mouth and form the anterior
part of the Hard Palate.
Palatine Process
is a ridge of bone forming
the inner part of the lower border of the opening
of the orbit.
Infra-orbital Border
– is an opening in the
body of the maxilla just below the infra-orbital
margin of each orbit.
Infra-Orbital Foramen
– is a small
pointed projection in the midline at the base of
the nasal septum.
Anterior Nasal Spine / Acanthion
a small bony
prominence behind the last upper molar
Maxillary Tuberosity