Maven Flashcards
What is Maven?
Maven is a powerful project management tool that is based on POM (project object model). It is used for project builds, dependency and documentation
What is the default Maven build lifecycle?
validate - Validate the project is correct and all necessary information is available
compile - Compile the source code of the project
test - Test the compiled source code using a suitable unit testing framework. These tests should not require the code be packaged and deployed
package - Take the compiled code and package it in its distributable format, such as JAR
verify - Run any checks on results of integration tests to ensure quality criteria are met
install - Install the package into the local repository, for use as a dependency in other projects locally
deploy - Done in the build environment, copies the final package to the remote repository for sharing with other developers and projects
Where/When does Maven retrieve dependencies from? Where are they stored locally?
Maven automatically downloads all the dependency jars into the local repository.
Defined dependencies will be loaded from remote repositories into gradle’s local repository folder.
What is the POM and what is the pom.xml file?
A Project Object Model or POM is the fundamental unit of work in Maven. It is an XML file that contains information about the project and configuration details used by Maven to build the project. Such as dependencies, plugins, and directories
What defines Maven project coordinates?
Maven coordinates define a set of identifiers which can be used to uniquely identify a project, a dependency, or a plugin in a Maven POM.