Matthew Flashcards
Top 3 lessons I want to remember in each chapter of the book of Matthew
Matthew Chapter 1
Tie - Driveway
Jesus Christ is born as prophesied.
Matthew Chapter 2
Honey - Front Garden
The travels of the wisemen and Christ around despite King Herod.
Matthew Chapter 3
Mew - Front Yard Trees
Christ is baptized by John the Baptist.
Matthew Chapter 4
Ear - Front Side Walk
The ministry of Christ begins after his temptations in the desert.
Matthew Chapter 5
Owl - Front Door
The Sermon on the mount - The blessed.
Matthew Chapter 6
Jew - Foyer
The sermon on the mount - Recognition and worry.
Matthew Chapter 7
Key - Laundry room
Sermon on the mount - Hearts of people.
Matthew Chapter 8
UFO - Downstairs Bathroom
Traveling as with Christ as he heals.
Matthew Chapter 9
Bee - Stairs to Basement
Pharisees reprimand Christ’s healing.
Matthew Chapter 10
Daisy - Basement Workout
The disciples sent out.
Matthew Chapter 11
Toad - Basement Office
Jesus warns of the wrath to come as John the baptist is in jail.
Matthew Chapter 12
Tuna - Basement Furnace
Christ’s power over Sabbath and ability to drive out evil, and divinity questioned.
Matthew Chapter 13
Dam - Basement Storage
Jesus speaks in parables (near home?): seeds scattered, weeds among crops, fish pulled up from net, and perls.
Matthew Chapter 14
Deer - Kitchen
John the Baptist beheaded.
Christ performs miracles: feeds 5,000 people with five loaves of bread and two fish, walks on water, and heals many people.
Matthew Chapter 15
Doll - Kitchen Table
Love God more than your family.
Don’t speak good and do evil.
Woman with strong faith asking for “breadcrumbs”.