Matters Of Life And Death Flashcards
What is abortion?
Abortion is the deliberate termination of an unborn body usually through a medical procedure
What is the definition of conception?
When the embryo begins fertilisation
What is the definition of Implantation?
When an embryo implants into the wall of the uterus at around day 7
What is the definition of the viability of the foetus?
How close the foetus is too be considered life and can survive on its own
Name two pro-life groups?
The society for the protection of unborn children (SPUC)
Precious Life
What is the law on abortion in Northern Ireland?
- Abortion is available up to 24 weeks and over in certain circumstances
What is the law on abortion in Ireland?
- Permitted during the first twelve weeks of pregnancy, and late in cases where the woman’s life is in danger
- Regulated by the 2018 Health Act
What is the law on abortion in United Kingdom?
- Allowed for the first 24 weeks, initially 28 weeks, allowed after if the mother’s life is at risk
- Regulated by the Abortion Act 1967 and amended by the human fertilisation and embryology act 1990
What are the father’s right for abortion?
The father has no rights when their partner wants an abortion
Reasons for abortion?
- Finance
- Rape
- The mother may die during birth
- Age
- Toxic
- Disability
- Inconvenience
Reasons against abortion?
Pro life reasons:
- Lack of Responsibility
- Accessibility
- Inhumane/Life is Sacred
- Adoption
- Hippocratic Oath
- Religious Reasons
What are some biblical verses on supporting life?
Genesis 1:27
27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.
Jeremiah 1:5
5 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.”
What are the Catholic Churches views on abortion?
- The direct and voluntary killing of an innocent human being is always gravely immoral
- From the moment of its conception life must be regarded with the greatest care while while abortion & infanticide are unspeakable crimes.
What are the Presbyterian Churches views on abortion?
- From his earliest days in the womb, the unborn child is fully human made in the image of God
- Abortion is justified when the Mother’s life is in danger but not when the child has a life limiting condition
What are the Methodist Churches views on abortion?
- Abortion on demand is wrong, the foetus is not just an appendage of the mother’s body
- Permissible if: The mother’s life is at risk, incest, rape, if the baby is incapable of survival
What are the Anglican Churches views on abortion?
- The Lambeth conference 1958 states Christians reject the practice of induced abortion
- They have stated we do not need to condemn those who get abortions but support them spiritually, emotionally and physically.
What are alternatives to abortion?
Keeping the Baby
Explain this alternative to abortion - Keeping the Baby
- Government support is available
- Extended family often offer plenty of support
- Religious faith suggest the baby is a gift from God
Explain this alternative to abortion - Adoption
- Someone else becomes the child’s legal parent
- The biological mother has given up all her rights
Explain this alternative to abortion - Fostering
- Temporary and paid care
- Can be few days or multiple years
Why is abortion a controversial issue?
- When life begins
- The viability of the foetus
- The rights of the father
- Reasons for abortion
- Prioritising the mother’s life over the child
Why do Christians argue that a foetus is a real person?
- The foetus has a heartbeat
- Christians believe life begins at conception
- Premature babies can survive outside the womb
- Christians say it is inhumane
What is Active Euthanasia?
Directly an deliberately causing the patient’s death, giving a lethal injection
What is Passive Euthanasia?
Withdrawing or withholding medical treatment to deliberately allow a patient to die
What is Voluntary Euthanasia?
When euthanasia is carried out at the request of the patient
What is Involuntary Euthanasia?
The person wants to live but is killed anyway, usually seen as murder
Non-Voluntary Euthanasia?
The person cannot make a decision or cannot make their wishes known regarding euthanasia, and someone makes it on their behalf
Arguments for Euthanasia?
- Someone is suffering from an incurable and terminal disease
- Person has no quality of life
- Very demanding on family and is in constant need of carers
- Only kept alive by a machine
- Wants to die by their own choice and with dignity
- Suicide is already legal by the suicide act 1961
Arguments against Euthanasia?
- Commandment: Thou shall not kill
- All human life is sacred and shall be respected
- Jesus treated the sick with love and respect
- Society may change and urge elderly towards euthanasia
- May decrease benefits for the sick and elderly
- Devalues Hippocratic oath
What is a charity that supports euthanasia?
Dignity in Dying
What is countries support euthanasia?
Switzerland and Belgium
What are Dangers of legalising Euthanasia?
- It may make older and more vulnerable people feel pressurised into requesting euthanasia as they feel that they are a burden on their families and on society.
- Legalised voluntary euthanasia could lead to the ‘slippery slope’ and involuntary and non-voluntary euthanasia could become common practice as has been reported in other countries which have legalised euthanasia.
-Legalised euthanasia could open the door to assisted suicide whereby people who do not have a terminal illness ask doctors to assist with their death.
What is biblical teaching on Euthanasia?
Judges 9:52-55
Abimelech asks to be put to death to not be killed by a women. The idea that euthanasia is an acceptable practice is not considered.
Advantages of suffering?
- Empathy and resilience
- Helps you grow
- Coping mechanisms and strength
- Perseverance
Disadvantages of suffering?
- Mental Illness
- Physical Illness
What are the Presbyterian churches view on Euthanasia?
- Strongly oppose any legislation which allows assisted suicide or euthanasia, they highlight the need to support research into pain relief.
What are the Church or Irelands view on Euthanasia?
- Acknowledges pain and suffering however the focus is helping others to live rather than die
What are the Catholic Churches view on Euthanasia?
- No one can permit the killing of an innocent human being, it is a question of the divine law, and offence against the dignity of a human person. A crime against life and an attack on humanity.
What is the Sanctity of Life?
- The word sanctity means holy
- Life is a gift from God
- God created life and only he can take it away
- Human life should never be sacrificed
What are the Aims of the Hospice?
- Support of the patient and family
- Listen to the patients/families concerns
- Emotional care before, during and after death
- Pain relief through drugs, medication and massages
- Educate to better care for the dying
What is palliative care?
When the pain is controlled by drugs when a dying person has a terminal illness. (Physical, Spiritual and Emotional Care)
Used in hospices and good palliative care makes euthanasia unnecessary
What is capital punishment?
Capital punishment is the practice of executing someone for a serious crime e.g. Murder. It is legally authorized.
Where is it the death penalty legal and is it legal in the UK?
In the UK it was legal up until 1965.
Legal and used in Iran, Pakistan, China, USA
What are the methods of carrying out capital punishment?
* Beheading
* Electrocution
* Hanging
* Lethal Injection
* Shooting in the back of the head by a firing squad
What is biblical teaching on the death penalty?
Old Testament
Genesis 9:3-6:
‘Human Beings were made like God, so whoever murders one of them will be killed by someone else.”
Exodus 21:23-24 ‘the Punishment will be eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth…’
What is biblical teaching on the death penalty?
New Testament
Jesus changes the teaching in the NT, he taught that Christians should not look for revenge: ‘if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, let him slap you on the left cheek too.’
What are the churches teachings on the death penalty?
Catholic Church - Against the death penalty but accepts it in certain circumstance
C.0.I - Agrees with the death penalty
Presbyterian and Methodist church - Oppose the death penalty
What parables relate to the death penalty?
Parable of the lost son - No matter the crime we should forgive and rehabilitate
The parable of the unmerciful son -We should be given the opportunity to be forgiven and should also offer forgiveness
Arguments for Capital punishment?
- only fair punishment for murderers.
- ‘an eye for an eye’
- The Catechism of the Catholic Church agrees in extreme cases
- Justice is important to Christians and if someone has planned to kill in a very callous way and shows no remorse
Arguments against Capital punishment?
- N.T - “Turn the other cheek”
- Inhumane and devalues the sanctity of life
- Made in the image of God and Human life is sacred
- A life sentence gives you a chance for rehabilitation
- Crucifixion and hanging cause mental and physical suffering
What are other forms of punishment?
- Life sentence
- Solitary Confinement
- Insane Asylum
What are the benfits of punishment?
- Deterrent
- Protection
- Reform
- Vindication
- Revenge
- Repayment
What are the types of punishment?
- Community Service
- Execution
- Suspended Sentence
- Probation / House Arrest