Matrix Equations and Inverse Flashcards
what is a matrix?
is a double array of numbers written in the rectangular form
ex) A = [1 2 3]
- 1 2 -2 1 0
A has 2 rows and 3 columns
dimensions of a matrix: the number of rows and the number of columns are called the dimensions of the matrix
If a has m rows and n columns, we say A is an m x n matrix
we denote matrices by upper English letters A, B, C
to denote entries of a matrix we use lower case English letter of the name of the matrix
matrix operations
quality of matrices: two matrices A and B are equal A=B if
1) they have same dimensions
2) the corresponding entries are the same
A = [aij]mxn B = [bij]kxl
A = B <=> { m = k and n = l
aij = bij for all i and j
sum of matrices: we can add any two matrices with the same dimensions
multiplication by a scalar: let C be a number and A be a m x n matrix A = [aij]nxm
negative of a matrix: -A = (-1)A = [-aij]
matrix subtraction: Anxm - Bnxm = A + (-B) = A + (-1)B = [aij - bij]
transpose matrix
definition: let A = [aij] be an mxn matrix. transpose of A, AT is a matrix
1) with n rows and m columns (AT)nxm = (Anxm)T
2) (i, j) entry of AT is (j, i) entry of A
1) (AT)T = A
2) (A + B)T = AT + BT
3) (cA)T = cAT
matrix multiplication
1) dimension compatibility: two matrices can be multiplied if # columns of the first matrix = # row of the second matrix
2) dimesions of the product matrix:
rows of product = # rows of the first matrix
columns of product = # columns of the second matrix
3) entries of the product matrix
(i, j) - entry of the product = (ith row of the first matrix jth) * (column of second)
remark 1) if the compatibility fails the matrix, multiplication is not defined
remark 2) compatibility condition makes the components of rows of the first matrix, equal to number of components of columns of the second matrix
what is the inverse of a matrix
Q1: what is the inverse of a number a? the inverse of a is a number b such that
ab = 1 2 (1/2) = 1 (-1)(-1) = 1
Q2: does ever number have an inverse? every nonzero number has an inverse
a = 0 ab = 0b = 0 doesnt = 1
Q3: how do we find the inverse of a number? 1/a
a doesnt = 0 a(1/a) = a/a = 1
definition: let A be a square matrix of order n (nxn) if there exists a square matrix B such that
AB = I = BA where I is the identity matrix of order n, then we say A is invertible and B is called the inverse of A, denoted by A-1
* the inverse of an invertible matrix is unique
the zero square matrix is not invertible
[1 0]
0 0 is not invertible
finding the inverse of a matrix: using row reduction
Let A be a square matrix of order n
1) form an augmented matrix [A | I]nx2n
2) reduce it to RREF [C | D]
3) there are two cases - C = I then A is invertible A-1 = D [A | I] => [I | A-1]
- C is not equal to I then A is not invertible
* if RREF of A is I then matrix A is invertible
matrix form of SLE
inverse matrix method
recall: matix form of SLE
in the method of inverses
1) system in its matrix form Ax = b
2) find the inverse of A, A-1
3) the SLE has unique solution given by x = A-1b
matrix powers
when can a matrix be multiplied to itself?