Matrix Algebra and Linear Transformations Flashcards
What is a zero matrix?
A matrix whose entries are all zero.
it is a fundamental idea to see the linear combination like this.
A x = |x1| | a1 a2 ... an| |x2| = x1 a1 + x2 a2 + ... + xn an | ... | |xn|
Note that A x is defined only if the number of columns of A equals the number of entries in x.
!!!This is completely off, i dont know why they distort my text
A system of linear equations can be viewed in three different but equivalent ways. Which ones?
- as a matrix equation Ax = b
- as a vector equation (x1 a1 + … + xn an = b)
- as an augmented matrix of a system of linear equations [a1 a2 … a3] = b
In the context of the matrix equation Ax = b. The equation has a solution if and only if …
… b is a linear combination of the columns of A.
Just for your knowledge now:
A - m x n matrix. the following statements are logically equivalent. Either all of them are true, or all false:
- For each b in Rˆm, the equation Ax = b has a solution
- Each b in Rˆm is a linear combination of the columns of A
- The columns of A span (generate) Rˆm
- A has a pivot position in every row.
This is about the coefficient matrix, not the augmented one.
What is an identity matrix?
The identity matrix is a square matrix that has 1s on the main diagonal and 0 as the rest of the matrix values.
A transformation (or mapping) T is linear if:
i. T(u+v) = T(u) + T(v), for all u, v in the domain of T
ii. T(cu) = cT(u) for all scalars c and all u in the domain of T
Every matrix transformation is a linear transformation. True or false?
Name two applications of the dot-product of the matrix-vector multiplication?
You can multiply one m x n matrix by a n x p matrix in the following way:
You separate the second matrix by columns and you multiply each column with the first matrix.
After doing that with all the columns of the second matrix, you put them side by side in order and you get the result.
If you multiply a 3 x 5 matrix and a 5 x 2 matrix, what is the size of the resulting matrix?
3 x 2
Do you know what the row-column rule for multiplying two matrices is?
You take the first row of the first matrix and multiply it by the first column of the second matrix. Then you have the value for the position 11 in the resulting matrix.
You take the first row of the first matrix and multiply it by the second column of the second matrix. Then you have the value for the position 12 in the resulting matrix.
And so on
Name some properties of matrix multiplication
associative law, distributive law, identity matrix multiplication
A matrix A is said to be invertible if there is another matrix C that has the same dimensions such that …
!!! only when there are square matrices
CA = I and AC = I
What is a singular matrix?
A non-invertible one.
A matrix A is invertible id its determinant is …
not equal to 0
How do you calculate the determinant of a 2 x 2 matrix
ad - cb
When you know that a 2 x 2 is invertible how do you calculate the inverse?
1/detA [ d -b
-c a]
If A is an invertible n x n matrix, then for each b in Rˆn, the equation Ax = b has the unique solution …
x = Aˆ(-1) b
What is the transpose of a matrix?
A matrix that has interchanged the values on the rows and the values on the column. The dimensions change as well?
What is the inverse of the inverse of a matrix?
The matrix itself.
Do you know the algorithm of finding the inverse of a matrix by appending I to it?
You append I to the original matrix and you do row reduction to reduced echelon form only focusing on the original matrix, and then you will see that I has changed to the inverse of the matrix.
It would be a good idea to check what matrix partitioning is.
A block matrix or a partitioned matrix is a matrix that is interpreted as having been broken into sections called blocks or submatrices.
Check more on the slides about it.