MATLAB Flashcards
matlab install direcory?
Type, matlabroot in command window.
matlab: three dots … meaning?
Line continuation.
matlab: How to measure elapsed time?
using matlab ‘tic’ and ‘toc’.
‘tic’ starts a stopwatch. ‘toc’ gives the elapsed time in seconds.
‘tic’ will reset the stopwatch.
How do u find type of a variable in matlab?
— or —
whos your_variable
matlab: find dimentions of an array / matrix
class(your_matrix) gives the type of data elements contained in the matrix.
A column vector has N rows and one column. Dimension N x 1
A row vector has one row and N columns. Dimension 1 x N
whos your_array
gives all info (size, type) of array.
To get total num of elements
How to get info about machine architecture on which matlab is running on?
Type ‘computer’ on command window.
> [str, maxsize, endian] = computer;
What does a call to dsp.SineWave(…) return?
A column vector of sine wave samples, containing ‘SamplesPerFrame’ samples.
What does randi() function do?
Returns a matrix of random nums, in a given range, in a matrix of given shape.
randi(99, 1, 4): returns a 1x4 array of ints 1 … 99
randi([10, 20], 3, 4): returns a 3x4 matrix of ints 10 … 20
randi([10, 20], 3): returns a 3x3 square matrix of ints 10 … 20
randi([10, 20], ): returns one integer between 10 and 20
randi(range, shape)
How to draw scatter plot in matlab?
scatter([1 2 3], [1 4 9]);
scatter([1 2 3], [1, 8, 27], ‘*’, ‘r’)
scatter() needs both X & Y data arrays.
scatterplot() can work with only Y data array, X array is inferred.
matlab: How to do “Phase Shift Keying” (PSK) for given baseband data.
Use pskmod()
How does cat/concatenate of arrays/matrices work in matlab?
x = cat(dim, arr1, arr2);
dim is the dimension that will increase after matrices are put together.
A row array is of dimension 1xn
To cat two row arrays, dim=2, since num of columns will increase.
Two cat two column vectors, use dim=1, since number of rows will increase.
x = 23;
what is type of x?
This is default of numeric variable.
How do you create an uint16 type variable?
x = uint16(78);
other variable types are int16, uint8, int32, uint64,
single , double etc.
matlab: how to find minim value in an array?
max is also available.
matlab: How to get absolute values of an array X?
y = abs(X);
y will have same dimensions as X, but each element will have absolute value of X elem. No negatives.
Matlab: How to find mean of an array X?
If X is a row or column vector,
mean(X) returns mean value.
If X is a matrix,
mean(X) returns an row vector, containing mean of each column.
Matlab: How do u open a file?
[fd, err_msg] = fopen(‘’, ‘r’);
data = fread(fd, inf, ‘int16’);
data will be a row vector of int16.
matlab: what is the last element of the array X.
Give some examples of array slicing in matlab.
X(3 : 7)
X(5 : end)
X(1:2:end) % All odd index elements.
Step size is in the middle.
If the step size is negative, successive indices decrease.
X(end: -1: 1) % Reverse the array.
For matrices
one or both indices can be ranges,
A(2:4, 1:2)
A single : indicates 1:end
A(3,:) % Third row, all cols.
A(: , end) % last column
Matlab: What happens when you apply a single index to a matrix?
Matrix is considered a tall column vector.
ML: How to find if a variable is number/scalar or an array/matrix?
Matlab: How to temporarily add a search path in matlab?
Matlab: how to comment out a block of lines?
Enclose block of lines with
How to record matlab activity in a file (diary file)
diary abc.txt
diary off
matlab: How to read a CSV file into a matrix?
Matlab: what is difference between single quoted characters and double quoted characters?
Single quoted characters create a ‘character array’.
Double quoted characters create strings.
Matlab: how to do u create tables?
Use function ‘table’. Provide it with column arrays of same sizes.
T = table(name_vec, age_vec);
Table column names are same as input vector names.
height(T) returns the number of rows in table
Matlab: How different columns of a table can be accessed?
If column name or variable name is a string without spaces,
if column name contains spaces,
tbl.(‘var name’);
Matlab: Undo ?
CTL + Shift + minus
Matlab: How to append at the end of an arry?
array name = arr
For row vector,
arr = [arr, new_val]
For column vector,
arr = [arr ; new_val]
Matlab: Duplicate a line?
Matlab: How to suppress the output of a command to console?
use evalc,
evalc(‘ command here ‘);
remember to use quotes around command.
evalc(‘fprintf(‘‘Hello, World!’’)’);
Matlab: Can you add fields to structs dynamically, while program is running?
sruct.new_field = new_val;
Matlab: how to make sure a specific struct indeed has a specific field?
isfield(struct_name, field_name)
Matlab: How to create a struct with given set of field, field_value pairs?
x = struct(‘field_name1, field-val_1, field_name2, field_val_2, …)
Matlab: What is ‘nargin’?
Inside a function, it is the number actual number of arguments that the function is called with.
Matlab: What is ‘varargin’?
Inside a function, it is a cell array containing all arguments passed to the function.
Matlab: What is function handle?
It is a variable containing a function name.
Function can be called using this variable.
fh = @function_name
call the function
fh(a, b, c)
Matlab: What does deal function do?
It distributes all of its input arguments to receiver arguments,
[a, b] = deal(7, 10);
Useful in initializing cell arrays with known values.
matlab: How does max() work on an array.
[a, b] = max(arr)
a = max value
b = index of max value
matlab: What are sub functions and nested functions?
Sub-function is a func defined in a a .m file after the definition of the main function. Sub-func is invisible outside its .m file.
Nested func is defined inside the body of a function.
matlab: What are ways to print error/warning messages?
error(“Error message”)
Halts the program.
warning(“Warning message”);
Does not halt the program. Prints line number automatically.
matlab: how to get documentation and help about a function, object, class?
On command line, type
doc mean
help median
matlab: How to get information about a table (tbl)?
matlab: How do you define a class?
Using ‘classdef’
With sections
Matlab: How to list properties of a class?
Matlab: How to find all methods of a class?
Matlab: How to get total num of elements in a array or matrix?
size(mtx_name) gives dimensions.