mathew gospel Flashcards
why is mat’s gospel first in NT
great transition from OT to NT
mat’s audience
jewish christian
mat’s gospel is famous cuz …
it’s most organized
what is found in mat’s nativity source
murder of innocents
what is found in luc’s nativity source
12 yr old on temple
what word is only found in mat
jesus instructs how many apostles to go out and preach
jesus is a … … in mat
great teacher
jewish term for hell
mat was written in …
mark is …% in mat
mat is originally written in what language
who wrote mat’s gospel
jewish scribe
mathew 13 is organized around …
7 parables
7 woes
mathew 13’s 7 parables deal with …
nature of heaven
what does mat’s gospel open with
jesus genealogy
what is jesus’ genealogy
abraham –> david –> joseph –> jesus
petrus means
what and where does mathew conclude with
Jesus commissioning 11 apostles in Galilee
you will be judged for …
what you do for the least of my kind
what did jesus give peter and what did it establish
keys to the kingdom
apostolic tradition
christians are to be the … of the world
christians are to be the … of the earth
how do historians know mat is written after 70 ad
mat knew of fall of temple
sermon of the mount collects jesus’ teachings on …
this OT prophet predicted virgin birth and suffering servant
how many discourses are found in mat
what are the themes of mat (recognize them)
judgement jesus is emmanuel discipleship church = body of Christians right instruction
what is mat’s favorite title for jesus
son of david
the unforgiving servant deals with …
how many woes are found in mat23
what is discourse 4
community instruction
what is the last discourse
what does estachological mean
end of time
what does jesus refer to the pharisees and scribes as
broad of vipers
what are the five parables you can choose from for the test
sower lost sheep (do this one) unforgiving servant (do this one) workers in the vineyard talents (do this one)
explain lost sheep
shepherd = god
sheep = people faithful to god
lost sheep = sinner
Sinner is lost from god like sheep is lost. God or jesus is a shepherd who will find his sinner and sheep.
explain unforgiving servant
Master = God
servant owing 10,000 talents = sinner against god
master giving time to repay debt = god forgiving sinner
servant owing 100 denari to first servant = brother sinning against brother
God always forgives those who sin against him. However, men do not forgive those who wrong them. The lesson is that we should always forgive those who wrong us no matter how severe the sin.
explain the talents
master giving talents to servants = god giving us life and our gifts
two servants who doubled talents = humans who make use of gifts and do good in life
servant who buried talent = humans who do not use their gifts and do no good in life
When we are born, God gives us life, talents, and gifts. As humans, we should make use of those god given gifts and life a meaningful life full of good. However, those who do not make use of their gifts have wasted their life and will be damned to hell.
probably same person as Matthew the tax collector
mark likely wrote his gospel for a … christian audience.
the author of matthew was most likely a jewish …
mathew’s gospel was written at a time when there was increasing tension between … and christians
the author of mark might have been … interpreter or secretary
… wrote a gospel and acts of apostles
mark and mat call this guy thaddeus to not confuse him with judas
a central theme in mark is that following jesus means a christian must … like jesus did
this gospel emphasizes the fulfillment of OT prophecies
one of matthew’s and luke’s sources
matthew strives to show that jesus fullfills all of god’s … to the chosen people
mark’s gospel teaches that jesus is the son of … that assumed human nature
matthew represents jesus as the new …