Mathematics and Statistics Flashcards
Select true or false for each of the following statements.
A. A graph charting the blood glucose measured by a blood glucose meter (BM) versus laboratory glucose measurement should display the ‘line of identity’ if the monitor is accurate
B. The third gas law describes the relationship between the pressure and temperature of a fixed quantity of gas at a fixed volume. The graphical representation of this is a square hyperbola
A. True. This should be a linear relationship, with the line passing through the origin with a gradient of 1.
B. False. The general gas law is described as PV = nRT. Rearranged this gives:
therefore, this is a linear relationship.
Select true or false for each of the following statements.
A. Ohm’s law describes the relationship between resistance (R), potential (V), and current (I) as
R = V/I
Current flow has a linear and an inverse hyperbolic relationship with potential and resistance respectively
B. To maintain a PaCO2 of 4 kPa with a VCO2 of 200 ml/min, VA must be 5 L/min
A. True. Current is directly proportional to potential, i.e. a linear relationship, and inversely proportional to resistance, i.e. an inverse hyperbolic relationship.
B. True.
4 kPa = FACO2 4% = 0.04 = 40 ml/L
40 x 5 = 200 ml/L
Regarding simple transformations in the plane, the change between Fig 1 and Fig 2 represents:
A. Translation in the y-direction
B. Reflection in the line y = x
C. Scaling in the x-direction
D. Reflection in the line x = 0
E. Translation in both the x- and y-directions simultaneously
A. Incorrect.
B. Correct.
C. Incorrect.
D. Incorrect.
E. Incorrect.
The red dotted line in Fig 1 represents the function y = x2. What does the blue line represent?
A. Translation by two units to the right
B. Reflection in the y axis
C. Scaling by a factor of two
D. Translation by two units upwards
E. Scaling by a factor of 0.5
A. Incorrect.
B. Incorrect.
C. Correct. All output values are doubled and the resultant equation is y = 2x2.
D. Incorrect.
E. Incorrect.
Fig 1 represents the function y = x2. If we were to shift the parabola to the right by two units and scale it by two, the resultant equation would be:
A. y = (x - 2)2
B. y = 2(x - 2)2 + 2
C. y = 2 + x2
D. y = 2(x - 2)2
E. y = 2(x + 2)2
A. Incorrect. y = (x - 2)2 only shifts the parabola to the right by 2 units.
B. Incorrect. y = 2(x - 2)2 + 2 shifts the parabola to the right by 2 units, scales it by 2 and shifts the parabola 2 units upwards.
C. Incorrect. y = 2 + x2 only shifts the parabola 2 units upwards.
D. Correct.
E. Incorrect. y = 2(x + 2)2 would shift the parabola 2 units to the left.
Which of the following statements are correct?
A. If f(x) is the original function, f’(x) is the derivative and f’‘(x) is the second derivative of f(x)
B. Calculus provides a way to describe algebraically the rate of change of one variable with respect to another
C. The second derivative describes the rate of change of the original function
D. Integration is the reverse of differentiation and, in principle, it enables us to retrieve the original function from its derivative
A. Correct.
B. Correct.
C. Incorrect. The first derivative is the rate of change of the original function.
D. Correct.
Which graph below describes which common function?
Select true or false for each of the following statements.
A. The derivative of y = x2 is 2x
B. The derivative of x3 is 3x
C. The derivative of y = mx + c is c
D. If f(x) = kx2, then is f’(x) = 2kx
E. If f(x) = kx3, then is f’(x) = 3kx2
A. True.
B. False. The derivative of x3 is 3x2.
C. False. The derivative of y = mx + c is m.
D. True.
E. True.
Which of the following statements is not correct?
A. The infinite polynomial series that represents ex:
f(x) = 1+ x + x2/2! + x3/3!… when differentiated term-by-term remains unchanged and this means that the gradient of f(x) = ex is f’(x) = ex
B. Any quantity that is changing at a rate determined by its prevailing value must be a straight line
C. Newton’s Law of Cooling is an example of an exponential function; a hot body loses heat (and hence temperature) at a rate that is determined by the difference between its temperature and that of its surroundings
A. Correct.
B. Incorrect.The rate of change of an exponential function is proportional to its prevailing value. This is the only function for which this is true.
C. Correct.
Given that in Fig 1, the red wave shows f(x) = sin(x), which of the following statements are correct?
A. The gradient of the sin curve is 0 at the origin
B. The blue dotted line represents cos(x)
C. At the sin peak the gradient is 0
D. When cos is 0, sin is at a maximum or minimum value
A. Incorrect. The gradient of the sin curve is 1 at the origin.
B. Correct.
C. Correct.
D. Correct.
What is the graphical meaning of integration?
A. It is the slope of a curve
B. It is the sum of a series of y coordinates
C. It is the rate of change of the slope
D. It is the area under the curve
E. It is the sum of the x coordinates
A. Incorrect.
B. Incorrect.
C. Incorrect.
D. Correct.
E. Incorrect.
For a wash out function y = Ae-kt which of the following statements are correct?
A. If A is large, the area under the curve is large
B. If the rate constant increases, the area under the curve reduces
C. The area under the curve is inversely proportional to A
D. The area is directly proportional to time constant τ
E. If the rate constants of two processes (with the same value of A) are in a ratio of 2:1, the areas under their curves are in the ratio 1:2
A. Correct. If A is large, the area under the curve is large.
B. Correct. If the rate constant increases, the area under the curve reduces.
C. Incorrect. The area under the curve is directly proportional to A.
D. Correct. The area is directly proportional to time constant τ.
E. Correct. If the rate constants of two processes (with the same value of A) are in a ratio of 2:1, the areas under their curves are in the ratio 1:2 because the rate constant is inversely proportional to A.
The blue curve on Fig 1 represents:
A. logex
B. ex
C. Square root of x
D. x2
E. 1/x
A. Incorrect.
B. Incorrect.
C. Correct.
D. Incorrect.
E. Incorrect.
How can we express a change in 0.1 pH units?
A. Square root of 3
B. Cubed root of 2
C. log10(1/3)
D. 1/3log10(2)
E. 100.3
A. Incorrect.
B. Correct.
C. Incorrect.
D. Incorrect.
E. Incorrect.
We wish to simulate the likely number of requests for epidural analgesia per day in our maternity unit, and have collected data on requests for the preceding 12 months. 1543 epidurals were requested in total, varying from none to 10 per day, giving a daily average of 4 requests.
A. No further information is required to create a model to simulate the likely numbers of epidurals requested per day
B. It is important we consider that each request for an epidural is uninfluenced by any other requests
C. The daily rate of epidural requests is a continuous variable
D. A chart of the number of epidural requests per day will produce a symmetrical bell-shaped curve
E. Over the following 12 months there are occasional days when up to 12 requests for epidurals are noted. This must represent either an increase in deliveries, or an increase in the preference for epidurals
A. True. A random process of this nature (Poisson process) only requires us to specify an average, or expected value to simulate a model.
B. True. The assumption that each event occurs independently of every other is central to the concept of randomness.
C. False. The number of requests per day is a discrete variable, as we are counting whole numbers. If we choose to consider the time of requests, or interval between requests, then these would be continuous variables, since any fractional value could be represented.
D. False. The distribution will not be symmetrical since there will be a tail of higher numbers of requests, but no negative values will appear. To describe a curve is also somewhat misleading, as we will see jumps between whole numbers counted, with no fractional values.
E. False. We expect to see a range of numbers of requests, with values close to the expected value being more frequent than those further away from it. It is entirely plausible that in a different sample these occasional high values might occur without any actual change in the underlying rate. However, should we begin to see these outlying values occurring more frequently, we should question whether the underlying rate was indeed changing.
Consider the population of mean arterial pressure (MAP) measurements from all healthy, non-hypertensive, adult patients.
Question: What type of data are we describing?
Question: What statistical model is appropriate to describe such data
Question: What information do we need in order to precisely describe the graph of that distribution?
Answer: Continuous, quantitative, numerical data.
Answer: A normal distribution.
Answer: We need two values: the mean and the variance (which is the square of the standard deviation). Once we know these values we can draw a graph of the normal distribution of all possible MAP readings for our defined population. All populations of data that can be described by a normal probability model are defined by these two parameters: the population mean (μ) and the population variance (σ2).
Which parameters are necessary to describe the following statistical distributions?
Regarding statistical models:
A. The Exponential distribution is based on a Poisson model
B. The Binomial distribution is continuous
C. The normal distribution is describe by two parameters
D. The Poisson distribution is discrete
E. Population parameters are always known
A. True.
B. False. The Binomial distribution is a discrete distribution.
C. True. The normal distribution is described by its mean and variance.
D. True. The Poisson distribution looks at the number of events in a given time period, i.e. interval data that is numerical but discrete.
E. False. We rarely know the true population parameters since we cannot take observations from every single member of the defined population.
If you are unsure about the terms ‘discrete’ and ‘continuous’ you may need to revise earlier statistical sessions, especially ‘Random variables and distributions’.
For data that is modelled by a normal distribution, which of the following statements are correct?
A. The sample mean is a biased estimator of the population mean
B. The population variance is greater than the within-sample variance
C. The larger the sample, the smaller the standard error of the mean
D. The population mean is always smaller than the sample mean
E. The standard error of the mean is the same as the sample standard deviation
A. Incorrect. The sample mean is an unbiased estimator of the (unknown) population mean.
B. Correct. The population variance is greater than the within-sample variance.
C. Correct. The standard error of the mean (SEM) is the standard deviation of the sample divided by the square root of the number of observations SEM = s/√n. Thus the SEM gets smaller as the sample size increases; the SEM is always smaller than than the sample standard deviation.
D. Incorrect. The population mean is unknown; it can lie either side of the sample mean.
E. Incorrect. The SEM is always smaller than than the sample standard deviation.
Regarding sample statistics and population parameters:
A. The Binomial parameter p, is always known
B. For a Binomial model, the population mean can be estimated by the product of the number of observations and the sample estimate, p
C. In a Poisson distribution, the variance is the inverse of the mean
D. Sample data from a Poisson model can be used to estimate the population parameter, λ, for the exponential distribution of times between events
E. The variance of a normal distribution can be estimated from sample data using the formula: s2=Σ (xi–m)2/n
A. False. The probability of a ‘true’ event is unknown, but the number of trials in a particular Binomial model is known.
B. True.
C. False. In a Poisson distribution, the mean and variance are the same.
D. True.
E. False. The sample variance, when used to estimate the population variance, is the sum of the residuals squared and divided by (n-1), not n.
Regarding the statistical models and their parameters:
A. A Binomial model has one unknown parameter, p
B. An exponential distribution is discrete
C. The Poisson distribution has a variance that is equal to 1μ
D. A normal distribution is defined by two independent parameters
E. In a Poisson model, 1/μ = tλ
A. True. A Binomial model requires two parameters, but one is always known – n, the number of trials.
B. False. The exponential distribution is a continuous probability distribution.
C. False. The mean and the variance are the same and described by the parameter μ.
D. True. Both the mean and the variance must be known.
E. False. μ = λt.
I wish to estimate the proportion, p, of hospital doctors who are vegetarians. I email 75 doctors out of 750 doctors in my own Trust and ask about their dietary preferences. Fifty of these reply, of whom 10 say they are vegetarians.
A. The best model to choose is a Binomial model
B. My estimate for the population parameter, p, is 0.13
C. If I take a further sample of 30 doctors, I would expect six to be vegetarians
D. I estimate that the variance in the number of vegetarian doctors in my Trust is 8
E. In an adjacent Trust hospital there are 500 doctors. I would estimate that 100 +/- 80 (mean +/- SD) are vegetarians
A. Correct.
B. Incorrect. Only 50 replied, so 10 / 50 = 0.2 is my estimate for p.
C. Correct. 30 x 0.2 = 6.
D. Incorrect. The variance in a Binomial model is npq, where
q = 1 - p. The variance is therefore 750 x 0.2 x 0.8 = 120.
E. Incorrect. The estimate for the mean is correct, but the SD is incorrect.The estimated variance is 500 x 0.2 x 0.8 = 80 so the SD. is the square root of this, which is 8.94.
I wish to estimate the number of patients who have an anaphylactic reaction during anesthesia in a hospital with 1600 beds. I have a record of the number of these adverse events for the last 20 years: 3, 4, 3, 6, 5, 3, 4, 3, 5, 4, 3, 5, 4, 5, 3, 5, 3, 5, 4, 3. I believe a Poisson model will be appropriate.
A. My estimate for the parameter µ is 3 reactions per year
B. If I had taken just the first 10 years of data, my estimate for the mean number of anaphylactic reactions per year would be 4
C. An estimate for the related variable, λ, of the corresponding exponential distribution of timesbetween anaphylactic reactions is 91.25 days
D. If my model is suitable, my estimated population standard deviation will be equal to the population mean
E. The probability of a patient in my hospital having an anaphylactic reaction is 0.025
A. Incorrect. The mean number of reactions, µ , is 4; the modal number of reactions is 3.
B. Correct.
C. Correct. The population parameter for the corresponding exponential distribution is the mean time between events. In 1 year we estimate that there are four events, so this gives an estimated value of 365 / 4 = 91.25 days.
D. Incorrect. In a Poisson model the variance, not the standard deviation, is equal to the mean.
E. Incorrect. We have no information about the number of anaesthetics given per year; it is not related to the number of beds in the hospital.
For data that is modelled by a normal distribution, which of the following statements are true?
A. The data must always be quantitative and discrete
B. The population variance is greater than the within-sample variance
C. The larger the sample, the closer the sample mean is likely to be to the true population mean
D. The population mean is always smaller than the sample mean
E. The standard error of the mean is smaller than the sample standard deviation
A. Incorrect. The normal distribution is used for continuous, numerical data.
B. Correct. The population variance is greater than the within-sample variance.
C. Correct. In general, the larger the sample the closer the sample mean is likely to be to the true population mean.
D. Incorrect. The population mean is unknown, it can lie either side of the sample mean.
E. Correct. The standard error of the mean is the sample standard deviation divided by the square root of the sample size, so is always smaller than the sample standard deviation.