Mathematical Support Flashcards
Identifying pictures, grouping objects that are the same, sorting objects into sets
Helps children to recognise similarities and differences, mathematical symbols.
Pattern making
Potato printing, colouring in shapes decorating biscuits, threading beads
Support ability to use and recognise patterns in mathematics
Stories and number rhymes, using everyday situations, setting the table, handing out snacks, counting forwards, backwards or in twos, number games with dice
Supports early calculations, working out problems involving number, helps children to gain a sense of the size of a set, develops multiplication skills
Resources that can be sorted into easily identifiable types, shapes, size.
Supports concept of groupings, language relating to similarities and differences
Ordering numerals, placing objects or toys according to size or weight
Supports the understanding of concepts relating to measurement, develops ability to follow instructions in order
Using symbols, pictures or objects to record what they find out, keeping tally, copying numerals
Helps children to work out problems, communicate ideas and think about what they have found out
Getting children to share our objects between several children, sharing our snacks, working out how many are needed for town or three children
Supports early calculations problem solving and introduces skill of division