math history Flashcards
Arithmetica Integra
Sketch of the half of an arch of a sine curve
Squaring the circle
Materialistic Atomic Doctrine
Pedagogical Mathematics
Theorie de Analytique
Discovered the equation of a normal curve, predicted his death day
Abraham de Moivre
Pendulum Clock
Christian Huygen
Theory o Proportion, Method of Exhaustion
Pioneer if social mathematics
Theory of Probability
Potential Theory
Calculated elaborate tables of the six trigonometric functions
Menalaus of Alexandria
Introduced trigonometry as systemized body of knowledge
Made an extensive study on correlation among several variables
Karl Pearson
Lambert’s quadrangle
automorphic functions and differential equations
Henri Paricare
Treatise on De Revolutionibus Orbium Coalestium
One of the founders of non-education geometry
Janos Bolyai
Derivative, calculus of variations
proved that there was no algebraic formula for the solution of a general polynomial equation of fifth degree
Niels Henrik Abel
Produced arithmometer
Thomas of Colmar
Four color conjecture
Francis Guthrie
Known as Misguided Circle-Squarer
Nicholas of Cusa
Infestesimal of Higher Order
Galileo Galilei
Quadrature of Lunes
Theory of Algebraic Functions
Richard Dedeleind and Heinrich Weber
expansion of the power series for sines and cosines
Inventor of portable chain 66ft long consisting of 100 links
Edmund Gunter
Heliocentric System, sizes and distance of the moon
Aristarchus of Samos
Founder of Modern Theory of numbers
Pierre de Fermat
method of indivisible
Bonaventura Cavalierie
“Almagest”, 360 degree circle
invented multiplication sign
William Oughtred
Function Theory
Infestimal Method, Dutch Archimedes
Mathematics in the Curriculum
Author of Canon Mathematics
Francois Viete
Made a proposal to Blaise Pascal in the famous Problem of Points
Chevalier De Mere
“Tent Maker”
Omar Khayyam
Jean le Rond D’alembert
numerals, symbol of zero
invented inequality sign
Thomas Harriot
Father of Algebra in 16th century
Francois Viete
First to introduced the word “Statistics”
Gottfried Achenwall
Invented an adding machine to assist his father in tax and commercial computations
Blaise Pascal
Inventor of Decimal Fractions
Father of Differential Geometry
Gaspard Monge
Founder of Functions of Complex Variable
Father of Algebra. “The Arithmetica”
Law of Large Numbers
Jacob/Jacques Bernoulli
Rectangular/Cartesian coordinate system
Rene Descartes
Developed Boethian Theory of double or triple
Thomas Bradwardine
Sieve of Prime Numbers
Importance of imaginary numbers
Rafael Bombelli
Projective Geometry
Girard Desargues
Italian mathematician, physician, and gambler. Author of “Ars Magna”
Girolamo Cardano
show π is transcendental
F. Lindemann
Father of History
Archimedes of his Age
Johann/Jean Bernoulli
Trisectrix or Quadratrix
Hippias of Elis
Daniel Bernoulli
Established printing press
Johann Muller
first to demonstrate statistical techniques derived in one are of research can also be applied in other area
Adolph Quetelet
Simpe Lie groups
Ellie Cartan and Wilhelm Killing
Retained imaginary roots of the equation
Albert Girard
Introduced the word function, ordinate, coordinate, and abscissa—Newton’s rival in inventing calculus.
Gottfried Wilhelm Liebniz
Credited with first proof of Fundamental Theorem of Algebra.
Karl Friedrich Gauss
Father of Accounting
Luca Pacioli
Coined the term logarithm, natural logarithm
John Napier
show π is irrational
Johann Heinrich Lambert
“Introductio Arithmetica”
Nichomacus of Gerasa
Paradoxes (dichotomy, Achilles, arrow, stade)
Theory of perspective
Suggested that irrational proportion is possible, proved that harmonic series is divergent
Nicole Oresme
Doctrine of Chances
Abraham de Moivre
credited common logarithm, suggested term mantissa and characteristics
Henry Briggs
Author of the book where Algebra originated
Theory of Equations, Group Theory, Ring Theory
Evariste Galois
The Greatest Might Have Been
Blaise Pascal
Father of Modern Philosophy, Inventor of Analytic Geometry
Rene Descartes
Author of Liber Abaci and Flos
Wrote Art of Calculation, Harmony of Numbers, War of the Lords
Levi Ben Gerson
Gregory Quadrature
James Gregory
Algebra of Logic
George Boole
Discovered the curves :ellipse, hyperbola, parabola
Explain the significance of zero, negative, and fractional exponents. First to present infinity ∞ symbol.
John Wallis
Invariant theory, zahlbericht
David Hilbert
Published the earliest map
Peter Apian
Published treatise with sin, tan, sec for sine
Albert Girard
First associated the concept of correspondence in the definition of function. discriminant.
Lejeune Dirichlet
Fleids Medals
John Charles Fields
Greatest Mathematician of Antiquity
Archimedes of Syracuse
founder of Modern Pure Geometry
Lazare Camot
Inventor of Barometer
difference and analytical engine
Charles Babbage
Rejected zero as root of an equation, invented exponential notation of great significance
Nicholas Chuquett
Founder of Medieval School of Mechanics
Jordanus Nemorarius
Linear Associative Algebras
Benjamin Pierce
First True Mathematician, Father of Greek Mathematics
The Conics
Appollonius of Perge
Continue the proof of parallel postulate
Nasir Al-Din Al-Tusi
Mathematical Collection, Sagacity of Bees, Treasury of Analysis
Pappus of Alexandria
Law of Gravitational
Isaac Newton
Mathematical Analysis of Logic, Laws of Thought
George Boole
“Metrica and Geometrica”, Principle of Least Distance
Heron of Alexandria
Parallel Postulate
Johann Heinrich Lambert
Regarded function as any expression made up of variables and constants.
Johann Bernoulli
Gunter Chain, scale and slide rules
Edmund Gunter
invented equal sign
Robert Recorde
Principle of foreshortening
Introduced conventionalism of e as base of natural logarithm
Leonhard Euler
Magic Squares
Yang Hui
Principle of Continuity
Johannes Kepler
Universal Genius
Wilhelm Gottfried Liebniz
Quin Jiushao