Math Calculations Quiz Flashcards
What is 37.2 degree Farenheight is = ____________ degree celcius
Select one:
a) 2.9
b) 22.3
c) 92.4
d) 1
Answer is:
a) 2.9
- C= (37.2 - 32) / 1.8 = 2.9 degree celcius
Biological agents are measure in
select one:
a) mEq
b) mg
c) g
d) units
answer is:
d) units
*A unit is a specific measurement used for biologicals
4.502 + 14.06 =
Select one:
a) 18.56
b) 10.81
c) 18.21
d) 10.1
answer is:
a) 18.56
- 3.501 + 14.06 = 18.561, which rounds up to 18.56
What is the abbreviation for a sufficient quantity?
Select one:
a) hs
b) qs
c) qd
d) qs ad
answer is:
b) qs
- qs means sufficient quantity while hs means bedtime, qd means daily, and qd ad means, “add a sufficient quantity to make.”
A physician writes a prescription for 1 g of a medication. How many milligrams should the patient take?
a) 10
b) 100
c) 1,000
d) 10,000
answer is:
c) 1,000
- Basic equivalency, 1 g = 1,000 mg
In the medicinal field, the symbol # means
Select one:
a) pound
b) number
c) hashtag
d) A and B
answer is:
d) A and B
- The symbol # means number when followed by a number and pound when following a number.
Convert the following Arabic numbers Roman numerals:
25 1/2 =
Select one:
a) cl
b) m
c) xxl
d) xxv ss
answer is:
d) xxv ss
- x = 10 so xx = 20, v = 5, and ss = 1/2
The abbreviation ASAP means:
Select one:
a) as soon as possible
b) immediately
c) quickly
d) A and B
answer is:
a) as soon as possible
- ASAP means as soon as possible and is not as urgent as STAT, which is immediately. Quickly is not applicable.
A mother starts to give a child 3 tsp of a medication and finds only a tablespoon for administration of the medication. How many tabletspoons should the mother administer?
Select one:
a) 1/2 Tbsp
b) 1 Tbsp
c) 1 1/2 Tbsp
d) 2 Tbsp
answer is:
b) 1 Tbsp
- Basic equivalency, 3 tsp = 1 Tbsp
A medication is ordered for 0600, 1400, and 2200. How often is it to be given?
Select one:
a) q4h
b) q6h
c) q8h
d) qid
answer is:
c) q8h
- There are 8 hours between each of these times.
If a medication comes in 5 and 10 mg tablets, the 5 and 10 mg represent the
Select one:
a) weight of the respective tablets.
b) weight of the active ingredients.
c) weight of the excipients
d) A and B
answer is:
b) weight of the active ingredients
- Each drug has its own specific concentration of active ingredient that has the desired effect on the body, which is represented as the dose strength. Excipients are inactive ingredients, which would add to the overall weight of the tablet but not change the strength.
A physician tells the patient to drink eight 8-oz glasses of water per day. How many ounces of water should the patient drink each day to follow this order?
Select one:
a) 32 oz
b) 64 oz
c) 96 oz
d) 128 oz
answer is:
b) 64 oz
- 8 x 8 = 64
A medication is to be dissolved in one cup of water. How many ounces of water should be used with the medication?
Select one:
a) 4 oz
b) 8 oz
c) 12 oz
d) 16 oz
answer is:
b) 8 oz
- Basic equivalency, 1 c = 8 oz
A medical college wants all temperatures to be in the Celsius scale. The patient’s temperature is 7.8 degree Fahrenheit. What is the temperature in Celsius?
Select one:
a) 35.6 degree
b) 36.5 degree
c) 36.6 degree
d) 37.5 degree
answer is:
c) 36.6 degree
- (97.8 - 32) x 5/9 = 36.55 = 36.6
158 - 59 =
Select one:
a) 217
b) 97
c) 99
d) 63
answer is:
c) 99
- 99 by definition of subtraction
208 degree Fahrenheit = ________ degree Celsius
Select one:
a) 87.4
b) 98.6
c) 97.8
d) 15.5
answer is:
c) 97.8
- C = (208-32) / 1.8 = 97.8
3,467.021 - 34.6701 =
Select one:
a) 5674.2
b) 2532.1
c) 3223.55
d) 3432.35
answer is:
d) 3432.35
- After lining up decimals, 3,467.021 - 34.6701 = 3432.3509, which round to 3432.35
465 + 5.098 + 76.5 =
Select one:
a) 460.5
b) 523.75
c) 546.60
d) 658.23
answer is:
c) 546.60
- After lining up decimals, 465 + 5.098 + 76.5 = 546.598, which rounds to 546.60
What is the abbreviations for four times a day?
Select one:
a) X 4 d
b) bid
c) tid
d) qid
answer is:
d) qid
- qid means four times a day whereas tid means three times a day and bid means two times a day. X 4 d means “times four days.”
A drug contains 1,000 mcg of active ingredient. How many mg is this?
Select one:
a) 1
b) 10
c) 100
d) None of the above
answer is:
a) 1
- Basic equivalency, 1 mg = 1,000 mcg
Which one of the following products is considered hazardous?
Select one:
a) Antibiotics
b) Anticoagulants
c) Radioactive compounds
d) Diuretics
answer is:
c) Radioactive compounds
- Products that have been tested and shown to cause adverse or toxic effects in humans are classified as hazardous. Examples of these types of medications include chemotherapeutic agents, radioactive compounds, and various hazardous chemicals such as phenol and glacial acetic acid.
What is the maximum volume (in millimeters) of a tension-type syringe?
Select one:
a) 0.5
b) 1
c) 3
d) 5
answer is:
b) 1
- A tension-type syringe has a 1-mL volume. In this case, the needle is attached by friction only. This type of syringe can be used for withdrawing insulin and other medications that require volumes equal to or less than 1 mL.
What should a technician do if he or she touches the needle to anything unintended in the hood?
Select one:
a) Alcohol it.
b) Discard it, and replace it with a new one.
c) Nothing; everything inside is sterile if properly cleaned.
d) Let the first air blow on it for 10 seconds
answer is:
b) Discard it, and replace it with a new one
- The technician should not wipe needles with sterile, 70% alcohol. If the needle is touched with alcohol or something unintended, such as the outside of a vial, then the needle must be discarded and replaced with a new one.
According to the USP <797>, the storage temperature for a pharmacy refrigerator should be:
Select one:
a) 2 degree to 8 degree Celsius
b) 10 degree to 20 degree Celsius
c) 36 degree to 46 degree Fahrenheit
d) A and C
answer is:
d) A and C
- Refrigeration should be 2 degree to 8 degree Celsius or 36 degree to 46 degree Fahrenheit.
Health care-associated infections are also called:
Select one:
a) Hospital-induced infections
b) Hospital-spread infections
c) Health care-spread infections
d) Nosocomial infetions
answer is:
d) Nosocomial infections
- Nosocomial infections, or health care-associated infections (HAI), are infections that originate in an institutional setting.
Which term means the opening of a needle?
Select one:
a) Cap
b) Bore
c) Hub
d) Shaft
answer is:
b) Bore
- The gauge (size) number of a needle is inversely proportional to the bore (opening) size of the needle. The bore size refers to the circumference of the needle opening.
What is the sequence in donning PPE’s?
Select one:
a) head and facial hair covers, shoe covers, face masks/eye shield
b) Head and facial hair covers, face shields/eye shields, shoe covers
c) Shoe covers, head and facial hair covers, face masks/eye shields.
d) Shoe covers, face masks/eye shields, head and facial hair covers
answer is:
c) Shoe covers, head and facial hair covers, face masks/eye shields
- The proper sequence in donning PPEs are shoe covers, head and facial hair covers, face masks/eye shields.
Work in a horizontal flow hood should be performed at least _______ inches inside the hood.
Select one:
a) 4
b) 6
answer is:
b) 6
- The technician must work 6 inches in from the sides and front of the hood
Which of the following is(are) an example(s) that a standard precaution that a pharmacy technician will be required to have performed when working in a hospital?
Select one:
a) Influenza immunization
b) Shingles immunization
c) Tuberculosis testing
d) Both A and C
answer is:
d) Both A and C
- When working in a hospital setting all employees must comply with the policies of Standard Precautions (i.e., Universal Precautions). To prevent the dissemination of high contagious diseases, hospitals usually require an employee to receive both tuberculosis (TB) testing and an immunization against influenza annually.
When a chunk of rubber from a stopper is found in a vial, what has occurred?
Select one:
a) Chunking
b) Coring
c) Beveling
d) Clumping
answer is:
b) Coring
- The bore size refers to the circumference of the needle opening; as the bore size increases so does the probability of coring or cutting out a piece of rubber from the vial’s rubber stoper.