Math Flashcards
A common multiple of the denominators of two or more fractions 24 is a common denominator for 1/3 5/8 and 3/4 because 24 is the lcm of 3,8 and 4
Common denominator
In repeating decimals the line or bar placed over the digits that repeat for example 2.63 indicates that the digit 63 repeats
Bar notion
The least common multiple of the dominator a of two or more fractions you can use the lcm to compAre fractions
Least common denominator
Fractions that have the same denominator
Like fractions
The set of numbers that can be written in the form a/b where a and b are intergers and b–0
Rational numbers
The decimal form of a rational number
Repeating decimal
A repeating decimal which has a repeating digit of 0
Terminating decimal
fractions with different denominators
Unlike fractions