Maternity Flashcards
Why are babies unable to thermoregulate?
Some of the reasons why babies are prone to poor thermoregulation at birth include:
Transition from a constant Intrauterine temperature to a variable external temperature;
A relatively high metabolic rate;
Large surface to body mass ratio;
A large head relative to the body accounting for up to 25% heat loss;
Lack of subcutaneous fat resulting in poor insulation;
Permeable skin, especially with prematurity;
Immature hypothalamus, central nervous system and vasomotor control;
Inability to conserve heat through shivering;
Reduced energy stores;
Poor muscle tone and inability to change body position; and
Inefficient sweat glands.
What is within the service maternity bag/pack?
Why do me place slight pressure/support on babies head as its being born?
What is the Moro Reflex?
Why is it handy to leave a generous amount of umbilical cord when clamping?
Why does emptying the females bladder help the birth of the placenta?
What is cord prolapse?
Why is it important to place mother on all fours position in cord prolapse?
What is a transverse lie?
What is hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy or birth asphyxia?
What are the 2 consequences of cord prolapse?
What position does mother need to be in when transporting a cord prolapse birth to hospital?
Where is the most appropriate hospital / department to take a patient with cord prolapse?
What is a Postpartum hemorrhage?
What are the three types of PPH?
What are the causes of haemorrhage, postpartum? (4T’s)
What is uterine massage and it’s benefits?
What is a perineal tear?
What is the most appropriate cannula size for IV access in postpartum haemorrhage?
What position is best for encouraging the birth of the placenta and why?
What are the signs of impending placenta birth?
How long after baby is born does the placenta birth?
How much ml does a standard teatowl and bath towl normally hold / obtain?
How much ml does ambulance service inco pad hold?
What is Shoulder dystocia?
Where does the shoulder get stuck at in shoulder dystocia?