Maternal/Newborn Flashcards
What is the average weight of a newborn baby?
The average weight of a newborn baby is around 7.5 pounds.
What is the Apgar score used for in newborns?
The Apgar score is used to quickly evaluate a newborn’s physical condition at birth.
True or False: Newborns have a natural sucking reflex.
What is the ideal room temperature for a newborn baby?
The ideal room temperature for a newborn baby is around 68-72 degrees Fahrenheit.
What is the fontanelle in a newborn’s skull?
The fontanelle is a soft spot on a newborn’s skull where the bones have not yet fused together.
What is meconium?
Meconium is the first stool passed by a newborn baby and is dark and sticky.
What is the purpose of the newborn screening test?
The purpose of the newborn screening test is to detect any potential health issues early on.
What is the vernix caseosa on a newborn’s skin?
Vernix caseosa is a white, cheesy substance that protects a newborn’s skin in the womb.
What is the term for a newborn’s first bowel movement?
The term for a newborn’s first bowel movement is meconium.
What is the recommended position for placing a newborn to sleep?
The recommended position for placing a newborn to sleep is on their back.
What is the term for a newborn’s yellowing of the skin and eyes?
The term for a newborn’s yellowing of the skin and eyes is jaundice.
True or False: Newborn babies have a fully developed immune system at birth.
What is the term for a newborn’s startle reflex?
The term for a newborn’s startle reflex is the Moro reflex.
What is the purpose of the bulb syringe in newborn care?
The purpose of the bulb syringe is to clear a newborn’s airways of mucus.
What is the term for a newborn’s rapid eye movement during sleep?
The term for a newborn’s rapid eye movement during sleep is REM sleep.