Maternal & Fetal Health - Sood Flashcards
Why and how do T3 & T4 levels increase during pregnancy?
- Increased thyroxin binding globulin (TBG) levels cause a decrease in free T3/T4
- Decreased clearance of TBG (due to estrogen[?])
- Increased liver production of TBG
- Pituitary senses low free T3/T4 and increases TSH production
- Placenta also stimulates T3/T4 release via hCG
How would placental production of hCG affect TSH levels?
hCG stimulates T3/T4 release from the thyroid, which would decrease TSH release via negative feedback.
Name three thyroid antigens which autoantibodies can be produced against in the context of autoimmune thyroid diease. Which antigen can have blocking and stimulating antibodies raised against it?
- Thyroglobulin (Tg, aka colloidal antigen)
- Thyroid peroxidase (TPO)
- TSH receptor
- Abs can be blocking (e.g. autoimmune thyroiditis) or stimulating (Graves’)
How common are Tg or TPO autoantibodies in women of child-bearing age?
[Wiki states Hashimoto’s has a prevalance of ~1:1000. The lecture goes on to state that most women with autoabs do not suffer sufficient thyroid destruction to cause hypothyroidism. So it seems having the autoabs does not imply a clinically significant disease.]
What are the side effects of iodine deficiency in a pregnant woman?
- Goiter in the mother
- If severe, neurocognitive impairment / mental retardation / deaf-mutism in the offspring
- (Keep in mind - higher dietary requirement in pregnancy)
What complications of pregnancy are noted in women with Tg or TPO autoabs?
Associated with pregnancy loss, recurrent miscarraiges, and preterm delivery
Your patient is a 27yo pregnant female in her 1st trimester of pregnancy, presenting with heat intolerance, palpitations, increased sweating, and anxiety. She denies nausea or vomiting. You suspect Graves’ disease, but anti-TSH receptor autoAbs are negative.
- What other process might be responsible for her symptoms?
- If the patient instead presented with a CC of nausea & vomiting, and you saw that she was no longer gaining weight at a normal rate despite her pregnancy, what would you suspect?
Gestational Hyperthyroidism
- Transient & observed in first half of pregnancy
- 1-3% of pregnancies
- Due to excess production or activity of hCG
Hyperemesis Gravidarum
- Nausea, vomiting & weight loss
- 0.05% to 1% of pregnancies
What are the symptoms of a thyrotoxic crisis?
What are potential consequences of this condition?
- aka Thyroid Storm
- fever
- tachycardia
- seizures
- restlessness / confusion
- diarhhea
- vomiting
- cardiac arrythmia
- Can result in shock, coma, or death
What are 5 potential complications of Grave’s disease in the context of pregnancy?
- Increased abortion risk
- Preterm labor
- Low birth weight
- Stillbirth
- Preeclampsia
What advice would you give a young woman recently diagnosed Graves’ Disease if she told you she planned on becoming pregnant soon?
- The disease needs to be treated several months before pregnancy
- Circulating autoAbs that cross the placenta pose serious risk to the fetus
- These Abs persist for months following surgical or radioactive thyroid ablation
What is the cause of Sheehan Syndrome?
Where is it most common?
- Ischemic injury to the hypothalamic-pituitary axis following severe hemorrhage and hypotension at delivery
- Susceptibility is due to increased size of the pituitary during pregnancy and the low-flow, low-pressure nature of the portal circulation
- Most common in parts of the world where deliveries are not performed in healthcare facilities
If a woman developed Sheehan Syndrome shortly following delivery, what symptoms might she notice quickly and thus present with?
- Failure of lactation
- Failure of hair growth over areas shaved for delivery
- Poor wound healing following a cesarean delivery
- Weakness
Why does some healthy pregnant women develop a temporary loss of vision in the outer halves of their left and right visual fields?
Bitemporal hemianopia
- Lactrotroph cells of pituitary increase 20-60% by the 3rd trimester
- Entire pituitary gland also increases in wieght by 30%
- Increased size places pressure on the optic chiasm, which causes the visual disturbance.
In general terms, what are the major hemodynamic (vessel) changes of pregnancy?
Increased capacity and reduced resistance
- Decreased vascular resistance
- Arterial compliance
- Vascular capacitance
What changes in renal function occur during pregnancy?
(Hint: Think of the hemodynamic changes)
- Increased renal blood flow
- Increased glomerular filtration
Increased RAAS activation
- Note: causes reduced response to infused pressor compounds
Define gestational hypertension.
Typical criteria of HTN (>140mmHg systolic and/or >90mmHg diastolic) in a pregnant woman.
What are ~7 symptoms of preeclampia?
What additional symptom makes for a diagnosis of eclampsia?
- Severe HTN (>160mmHg systolic / >110mmHg diastolic)
- Proteinuria (not always present but useful in making the Dx when present)
- “End organ dysfunction”
- Visual distubances & Headaches
- Epigastric pain
- Thrombocytopenia
- Abnormal liver function
- Seizures in the context of preeclampsia makes for a Dx of eclampsia
What are the defining criteria of HELLP syndrome?
- Severe HTN plus:
- Hemolysis
- Elevated Liver enzymes (hepatic dysfunction)
- _L_ow _P_latelet count (thrombocytopenia <100,000/ul)
What are **seven **potential maternal sequelae of severe HTN disorders during pregnancy?
- Pulmonary edema
- Stroke
- Liver failure
- Renal failure
- Seizures
- Death
- Long-term risk to develop HTN and/or related disorders (outside of pregnancy)
What are four potential fetal sequelae of severe HTN disorders during pregnancy?
- Growth restriction in utero and small birth weight
- Oligohydramnios (reduced amniotic fluid)
- Indicated preterm delivery
- Long term risk to develop metabolic and/or cardiovascular disorders
What are five emerging hypotheses regarding
the pathophysiology of preeclampsia?
- Think decreased blood flow to the fetus/placenta
- Placental hypoperfusion
- Placental release of anti-angiogenic factors (sFlt1, sEng)
- Defective trophoblast differentiation
- Cells of the placenta that are important for implantation and interaction with the maternal uterus
- Angiotensin autoantibodies
- Incomplete spiral artery remodeling
What are five risk factors for preeclampsia?
- Primiparity (woman who is pregnant for the first time)
- Past history / Family history
- Preexisting medical conditions
- Diabetes, BMI >26.1, Kidney Disease, aPLs (antiphospholipid Abs)
- Multiple gestation
- Maternal age <20 or >35
What is the only known cure for preeclampsia?
Thus, timing of potentially required induced labor or cesarean section is decided baced on disease severity.
What drug is given for seizure prophylaxis in pregnant women at risk for eclampsia?
Magnesium sulfate