Maternal Deprivation Flashcards
Bowlby’s theory
Children need a warm, intimate and continuous relationship with a maternal figure to ensure emotional and intellectual development.
Separation different from deprivation
- separation is the child not being in the presence of the primary attachment figure. Extended separation can lead to deprivation.
Critical period
- up to 2.5 years but there is a risk up until 5.
- deprivation causes long-term harm.
Consequences of maternal deprivation
Intellectual = low iq
Emotional= delinquency, affectionless psychopathy (lack of remorse or guilt for others)
Bowlby-44 thieves study procedure:
Bowlby interview 44 adolescent thieves, referred to a programme
- he used 44 ‘controls’ that had been referred but not yet committed any crimes.
44 thieves findings and conclusions:
- Bowlby concluded that early separations are linked to affectionless psychopathy (cause mental disorders)
-Bowlby concluded that early separations are linked to affectionless psychopathy (cause mental disorders)
—flawed evidence (ao3)
- and open to bias as bowlby himself assessed it knowing what he hoped to find- researcher bias. Goldfarb’s study is flawed as he used traumatised infants (confounding variables). This means blow by has no solid evidence to base his original theory off.
+ new studies, such as levy et al (ao3)
But, research with rats shows that short separations can harm social development so there is now some evidence for the theory of maternal deprivation after all.
— bowlby confused deprivation and privation (ao3)
Rutter suggests that bowlby may have got confused with the concept of deprivation.
Privation: the failure to form any attachment in the first place.
o Deprivation: the loss of the primary attachment figure after attachment has developed
— The critical period is more of a sensitive period (ao3)
The effects of maternal deprivation are not permanent and can be reversed through good parenting and formation of secure attachments so the period is sensitive and not critical.