MATERNAL 2 Flashcards
Health of women during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period.
Maternal health
Why do women not get the care they need?
Poor women
biological process by which new individual organisms are produced; a fundamental feature of all known life; each individual organism exists as the result of reproduction
an individual can reproduce without involvement with another individual of that species
requires the involvement of two individuals, typically one of each sex
is the reproduction of humans. It is a form of sexual reproduction, typically involving :
Human Reproduction
Theories related to procreation
Evolutionary theory
The lottery principle
The Red Queen Hypothesis
The Tangled Bank Hypothesis
The DNA Repair Hypothesis
The theory that all things came about by the repeated random actions of natural selection, whereby:
Life came into existence, and then
Primitive life evolved into more and more complex organisms, and eventually producing mankind.
The Evolutionary theory
He argued that asexual reproduction, which produces little or no genetic variety in offspring, was like buying many tickets that all have the same number, limiting the chance of “winning” - that is, producing surviving offspring.
the Lottery Principle
Enables host species to evolve new genetic defenses against parasites that attempt to live off them
Immune cells have receptors ("locks") for binding proteins ("keys") of viruses such as HIV, that allow them to dock and gain entry.
The Red Queen Hypothesis
An Posits that out of a great variety of offspring produced by the parent (animal or plant or bacteria) at least a few will survive the hardships of their struggle for existence
the Tangled Bank Hypothesis
The DNA repair hypothesis for the maintenance of sex states that recombination is necessary for the repair of double-strand DNA damage
the DNA Repair Hypothesis
Substances that cause fetal harm
TORCH stands for what?
Other Infections: Syphilis, Hepatitis A Virus (HBV) & Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
Herpes Simplex Virus ( Genital Herpes Infection)
A protozoan infection
contact with uncooked meat, handling cat stool
Diagnostic test of toxoplasmosis
serum analysis
medication of toxoplasmosis
Causes only a mild rash and mild systemic illness
rubella (German Measles)
Diagnostic test of rubella
rubella titer
herpes simplex virus family
Droplet transmission
cytomegalovirus Prevention
hand washing
avoiding large crowds
Herpes Simplex Virus
intravenous or oral acyclovir (Zovirax)
Live virus vaccines
poliomyelitis ( Sabin type)
is a visual presentation of the chromosome pattern of the individual.