What is destructive testing
(taking to limits, results in breaking)
= lower cost
What is non-destructive testing
(no damage to the test piece)
= higher cost
What are variables to consider when testing materials
Environemntal conditions
Size of material sample
Testing equipment
Force applied
Method of force application
Position of force application
individual taking measurements (human error)
Tensile test
- uses a tensometer machine, measuring the stretch
error variable = clamp position, force applied - as the material gets thinner, material becomes more ductile
Toughness test
= Izod impact test
a piece of material is held verically in the vice of the machine.
A pendulum is released from a set position, the energy absorbed is calculated from the height and distance moved by the material
Hardness test
a bullet of different shapes is fired at the material, the distance that it travels into the material is measured and determines the hardness
Brinell test (round curved ball shape)
Vickers test (pyramid shaped)
Rockwell test (cone shaped)
= all made from hardwearing material tungsten