Material deprivation. Flashcards
What is material deprivation?
- term refers to poverty and a lack of material necessities such as adequate housing and income.
How can overcrowding affect educational achievement indirectly and directly?
- Overcrowding makes it harder for a child to study. it leaves no room for educational activities, little/ no place to do work and could also result in disturbed sleep from having to share beds for example.
- temporary accommodation: moving around continuously causes disrupted education.
- Due to the little space children have they could be more prone to accidents. could affect their health and wellbeing.
Furthermore, cold and damp housing makes children more prone to illnesses.
- Found that wc pupils were more likely to have lower intakes of energy, minerals and vitamins.
- As a result they had weaker immune systems( more prone to illnesses) and had difficulty concentrating in class.
- Found that among 10 year olds the lower the social classes the higher rate of hyperactivity anxiety and conduct disorders.
Financial support and the cost of free schooling
- The lack of financial support in which wc families get leads to them having problems affording material necessities such as textbooks as well as equipment need in order to succeed in education.
- Refers to having to pay for materials as the cost of free schooling.
- in his study of families in Oxford he found that having to pay for item placed a heavy burden on poorer families.
- As a result wc pupils have to deal with hand me down such as borrowing uniform and having cheap but unfashionable equipment- leads to them getting stigmatised, isolated and bullied by peers.
Smith and noble?
- argues income negatively impact a child’s educational success in other ways for example, by being able to afford tutors, tuition or private schooling.
-Found wc are also likely to work in order to afford these resources.
Fear of Debt?
- Callander and Jackson argues the wc are more debt adverse, seeing debt as a negative thing which should be avoided. –> not likely to apply or see the value of going to university.
- did not favour the idea of having less financial help from parents- for example a national union of students online survey(2010) found only 43% of wc pupils received help from home.
What did Raey find?
- wc pupils are also more likely to apply to local universities.
- For example, Raey found wc pupils are more likely to attend local universities in order to stay at home and save on travel costs.
- she also found wc females were likely to stay at home due to their caring side( wanted to help out in the home).
Dropout rates?
-are higher for universities with more wc pupils. for example 16.6% dropped out of London metropolitan in comparison to 1.5% in oxford.