Articum Lappa - whats the other name?
Parts Used ?
Actions ?
Clinical Application?
Notes (Contraindications etc/ Application)
Burdock. (Key of the Kidney)
Actions: Alterative/Depurative. Mild Duiretic and mild laxative Good for depurative of the liver and lymphatics, works on the liver by the bitter. Drawing the toxins from the extracellular matrix out - depurative.
Clinical Application:
Chronic Skin Conditions (psoriasis, eczema, acne, dandruff) boils or furnuncles.
Conditions that require enhaned elimination of metabolic waste and toxins. Like chronic degenerative health conditions like gout, rheumatism, oedema, chronic fatigue or a metabolic syndrome).
Good as a kidney/ Kidney Tonic.
Lympathic conditions where the tonsils are enlarged.
GIT conditions involving the liver .
Relieves lymphatic congestion and promotes elimination
What is a depurative
Blood Cleansing Removing waste product metabolites from the blood by products from the chemical reactions that needs to be broken down and elminated. Without the removal the waste will accumulate in the cells and the ECM. So a depurative will have a full effect on the channels of elimination that are responsible for breaking down or removing metabolic waste or chemicals from the external environment (water we drink/ toxins etc)
Galium Aparine - What else is it called?
Actions ?
Clinical Application?
Notes (Contraindications etc/ Application)
Galium Aparine - What else is it called? Cleavers. (KING OF LYMPH)
(smells a little like vanilla)
Actions: Alterative/ Depurative - Lymphatic . Dieuretic.
Secondary is refrigerent.
Comparing it to Artium Lappa - Artium Lappa is primarily diuretic and mild laxative it has more effect on the kidneys. Galium aparine (cleavers) has more effect on the lymphatics of the body.
Clinical Application
Chronic skin conditions, inflammed lymph nodes especially where the condition is HOT. Galium is cooling. Not so much for hardened lymph nodes, but large squishy spongey (hot condition energetically - inflammatory skin condition like ezcema, cystic acne)
Fluid retention/ oedema - poor lymphatic drainage.
Phytolacca americana
What else is it called?
Parts Used ?
Actions ?
Clinical Application?
Notes (Contraindications etc/ Application)
REALLY stimulates the lymphatics.
Parts Used ? Root
Actions ? Lymphatic Alterative and depurative - Immunostimulating.
This is a STRONG stimulatory to the lymphatic, it’s a direct lymphatic - one that really moves the lymphatic system. Tying in with lymphatic cold and flu therefore immunostimulating contibutor (enhancing of the immunostimulator - great to combine with other herbs in these circumstanecs like Echinacea)
Clinical Application?
Chronic skin conditions, acne, posoriasis, eczema.
This herb is perfect for the scenario of the teenager who’s failing to thrive, 13-17 ish
The early teens transitioning period, hormonal point of view, lack motivation, lethargic, not interest, skin pale/grey, rings under the eyes and acne that is usually severe. Acne across the shoulders.
Bitter , drying, irritating/ burning.
Notes (Contraindications etc/ Application)
Large amounts can cause emetic - looseness of the bowels, vomitting, nausea.
In someone with nodular/cystic acne/Boils, it can make it worse.
It’s a sledgehammer.
Contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation internally.
Use really really low dosages like 1:5.
Use dried herbs!
Smilax Ornata- What else is it called?
Parts Used ?
Actions ?
Clinical Application?
Notes (Contraindications etc/ Application)
Sarsparella!! ( THINK HORMONAL ACNE CHRONIC, menopausal, menstrual)
Parts Used: Root and Rhizome.
Actions: alterative/ depurative. (predomoniately via kidneys and the liver)
Anti-rheumatic and anti-inflammatory.
Secondary - antipruritic itchy inflammed. Diaphoretic
(remember usually itchy conditions caused by malfunctioning kidneys)
Clinical Application
Chronic and inflammed skin conditions.
Almost should put this in every inflammatory skin disorder.
Hormonal issues with acne. (imbalanced hormones) checking liver function also
Sweet, Nutritive and mildy stimulating.
Notes (Contraindications etc/ Application)
Dont use it for GIT diseases.
Tinctures are fine 1:2 Medium Range.
Trifolium Pratense: What else is it called?
Parts Used ?
Actions ?
Clinical Application?
Notes (Contraindications etc/ Application)
It does have a broad range of actions. Use it in conjuction with other herbs
Good for the heart, anti-cancer, chronic skin conditions.
TRIFOLIUM PRATENSE. (Tri is 3 - Folium sounds like Foals - Think of 3 Foals of calves )
Parts Used: FLOWERS <3
Actions: Livestock feed! Nutritive too.
Alterative/Depurative, Expectorant.
It is an osteogenic - it mimics estrogen - binds to estrogen receptors.
Clinical Application
Has a reasonable amount of research in it. Good for Chronic skin conditions like psoriasis, eszema, acne and boils. It’s used in conjuction with other alteratives.
It has been showed to heal the lining oft he inner walls of the arteries, reduces arterial stiffness. Helps cholesterol ratios - modulator of LDL and HDL. Reduces blood presure diastolic and systolic.
It’s sweet, cooling and moistening
Notes (Contraindications etc/ Application)
Additive effect- anticoagulents
Careful when the person is on warfarin (blood thinning)
It could thin the blood too much with it’s attitive action.
Oestrogen like action - be aware of it.
Fresh plant tinctures are good moderate dosage 1:2.
Alium Sativum :
What else is it called?
Parts Used ?
Actions ?
Clinical Application?
Notes (Contraindications etc/ Application)
GARLIC! :) (such an important herb, it covers so much, garlic has got a lot of science backing it up).
Parts Used - Clove of a fresh bulb. (It is best to bruise and crush it) cooking does reduce the potency of the allissin within it to a certain degree, so either lots in your cooking or add in the garlic later, best eaten fresh.
Actions: Circulatory Tonic, Hypotensive, Hypocholesterolaemic, Antithrombotic , Antiplatelet, Antiatherosclerotic, Homocysteine-lowering, Antidioxidant (antidioxidants are good for the heart too, it stops damage to the artery wall) garlic is super strong for free radicals/oxygen species that can cause membrane damage.
Secondary is anti-inflammatory, hypoglycaemic, immunostimulant , anti-microbial, anti-bacterial, antifungal, antiparasitic, anthelmintic, prebiotic, antiarcinogenic.
Clinical Application
Overall just such a good food and tonic, quality of life, sleep quality, stress reduction, reducing fatigue, enhancing energy and great for the GIT. Casvcular conditions, hardening of the arteries, poor circulation, hypercholsterol, prevents and reduces the risk of heart disease through anti-oxidant. Good for high blood pressure.
Infections - Staph, candida albicans, vaginitis, tinea, common cold prevention, respiratory infections and wounds topically.
Cancers - protective effect - stops spreading
Hyperglycaemia - diabeties in conjuction to other therapy.
Warming, stimulating, moist, pungent, Sweet and salty.
Notes (Contraindications etc/ Application)
Allergies to garlic - allium sativum
careful around surgery, discontinue 10 days before, it may prolong bleeding
can reduce iodine uptake - caution with people with hypothyroidism - the two compete so use them separately and make sure the person is getting enough iodine.
Not for stomach inflammation / gastritis
It has an addiitve effect to anticoagulant or hypoglycaemic medication including insulin.
it has a reduced effect of hormonal contraceptives.
Caution with pregnancy - be a bit careful , safe amounts only.
1-3 cloves twice a day when you have a bad infection
normally 1 times a day
Infusion - crush it in boiled water.
Succus - 5ml - 3-4 x per day
Fluid extract 1:1 - 40-80ml
Dried powder or capsules (enteric coating so the HCL doesn’t interfere with the allison activity)
Infused oil - like olive oil, infuse for a few weeks.
You could also use an oxymel using honey.
Coleus Forskohlii
Parts Used ?
Major constituents
Clinical Application?
Notes (Contraindications etc/ Application)
Coleus Forskohlii
Parts Used: Root
Antispasmodic (great for people with heart condition with a lower respiratory system or bronchitis etc) Hypotensive, Antiplatelet, Vasodilator
Cardiotonic - heart muscle - helps a struggling heart, stronger and more regular bumps without putting strain on it.
Major constituents
- Forstkolin ( but better synergetistically as a whole plant)
Clinical Application
Help ful for blood pressure, the general function of the heart to improve it’s function strength of beat and reguarlity without putting strain on it. It increases the levels of cAMP and normalises the cell turnover for conditions of psoriasis so good for those skin conditions too.
Weak heart / Heart Disease, Hypertension, Not enough oxygen getting through to the heart.
Good for chronic skin conditions that have too much skin turnover like dandruff or psoriasis
Lower respiratory like bronchitis, or Asthma
Sweet, Bitter, Cooling.
Notes (Contraindications etc/ Application)
High dose will increase thyroid and low dose will decrease the thyroid activity.
Be careful with people that currently have low blood pressure.
Additive effect to blood thinning / blood lowering drugs.
Good for a 1:1 tincture relatively high dosage range.
Cateaegus Monogyna
(dont forget about olea europaea for lowering blood pressure also)
What else is it called?
Parts Used ?
Actions ?
Clinical Application?
Notes (Contraindications etc/ Application)
GRATAEGUS MONOGYNA - the hearts BEST friend. Best heart medicine.
What else is it called? Hawthorn (part of the rose family)
Parts Used Berries, Flowers or Leaves (mixed together is great too)
Actions :
Cardiotonic - works over a long period of time. It protects the heart muscle and the blood vessells and the peripheral blood vessells. It is antioxidant.
Mild hypotensive action. Peripheral vasodilator (good for circulation)
Great for an irregular heart beat (arrythmia)
Mildy astringent (for the blood vessells) Collagen stabilising for the blood vessells and the connective tissues.
Mild relaxant. (someone that is stressed and this is causing their high blood pressure, this is GREAT for that person)
Clinical Application
Cardiovascular disease, angina, arrhythmia, hypertension, prevention of heart attack - just optimising cardiac function especially where stress and anxiety is a contributing factor and great for age related heart problems where it is starting to decline. Atherosclerosis (it improves the blood flow to and from the heart) Good for recovery of a heart attack.
it has a slow but gradual action
Sweet, Cooling and drying (astringent)
Notes (Contraindications etc/ Application)
Can be taken in low doses over a long period of time.
Just be careful with hypertensive (blood pressuring lowering medications) but you could introduce low doses).
Great as an infusion - you could mix with rosehips, tinctures are good though for a high concentration. 1:2 Tincture moderate dosel
Panax notoginseng
Parts Used ?
Major constituents
Clinical Application?
Notes (Contraindications etc/ Application)
Panax notoginseng (chinese - miracle root for the preservation of life, medicinal value like other gingsengs have)
Parts Used Root.
Antihaemorrhagic (stops bleeding - topically) antiecchymotic (anti-bruising - prevents limits damaged tissues - sprain strains knocks). Also really good after a stroke or heart attack. It generally will protect the heart and is also anti-inflammatory.
Clinical Application
Good for Cardiovascular conditions, Angina pectoris, Cardiac Arrhythmia and Hypercholesterolaemia.
Abnormal bleeding like coughing up blood or blood in the urina, blood in the stools vomitting blood or heavy periods.
Abnormal blood amounts such as injury from trauma
Good generally from lack of function to the heart for the aging - due to preservating action of the heart, good for the elderly.
Sweet and warm.
Notes (Contraindications etc/ Application)
Caution during pregnancy
Caution with blood pressure medication
Tincture is good, 1:2 fairly high dosages
Salvia Miltiorrhiza
Parts Used ?
Major constituents
Clinical Application?
Notes (Contraindications etc/ Application)
Milling straw at a farm
Think of a really old man milling straw in a farm
He is old he has some blood clots around his heart, he has high blood pressure, his blood gets cloggy and it clots up
He needs a bit of a protection
Salvia miltiorrhiza - common name is red sage.
(Genus that all the sage parts belong)
Parts Used
Cardioprotective, Hypotensive, anticoagulant, antiplatelet, fibrinolytic - it actually helps dissolve blood clots. Mild vasodilator.
It also has a protective action on the liver. It has some vulnerary action repair some tissues like blood vessell walls etc. Anti-fibrotic mainly in the lungs prevents against permanent scarring fibrosis of the airways.
It improves coronary heart flow.
Ischaemic cardiac disease. Hypertension and palpitations, micro and macro circulatory problems, pulmonary fibrosis
Bitter and slightly cooling
Notes (Contraindications etc/ Application)
Allergys and pregnancy caution.
Tincture 1:2 - moderate dose
Aesculus hippocastanum
What else is it called?
Parts Used ?
Actions ?
Clinical Application?
Notes (Contraindications etc/ Application)
SHE HAS COMPRESSION SOCKS ON AND JUST HAD A HEART OPERATION (she also has puckering astringent lips around her fat face dimples (astringent)
Hippo - horse - Aesculus - chestnut
horse chestnut (just as good as compression stockings)
Parts Used ? Seed
Actions ? It’s very astringent (but not from the tannins)
Vasotonic, venotonic, vasoprotective, antioedema.
Also good to use in combination for high blood pressure
Antiecchymonic (anti-bruising - which is damage to capillaries - broken capillaries - tissue trauma - free radicals are released which cause more damage, so you get more damage to more leakage, blood vessells more bruising - so if we can limit in the early stages, limits the amount of tissues.
Secondary: Anti-oxidant. Antiinflammatory.
Clinical Application
Chronic venous insufficinency
soreness , heavyness ,swelling of the lower legs. Fluid retention
Restores integrity of the walls.
haemorrhoids (varicose veins of the anal passage) and rectal complaints
easing the pain of varicose veins
Nocturnal cramping , restless legs.
Very good post surgically (For antiecchymotic - decreasing deep vein thrombosis post surgery).
Warm and drying
Notes (Contraindications etc/ Application)
You can use it topically or internally
Additive effect to anti-coaggulent including aspirin etc.
May interact with blood sugar drugs when taking internally.
Reduction of iron salts, separate by 2 hours. (careful if they were iron anemic)
Dont apply to broken skin.
Careful with sensitive tummys, take it with food.
1:2 tincture, or cream
Great for combining with hamamelis for venous problems skin tone etc.
Parts Used ?
Actions ?
Clinical Application?
Notes (Contraindications etc/ Application)
Sri Lanka - elephants love it.
Parts Used Leaves & Stems
Actions Vulnerary topically and internally., anti-inflammatory, antifibrotic, interstitual tissue tonic.
Clinical Application
Microcirculation - varicose veins, odema, phlebitis(same thing as venous insufficiency) problems with venous return in the lower limbs, heavy tired achy . Hypertension (in conjuction with a hypotensive herb) Fragile capillaries (could also be a nutritional thing) but others are just naturally like this - like bruising/ elderley people also.
It’s good for wounds and white tail spider bites.
It’s also good for persistant worry, obessive worry.
Mainly sweet, astringent, cool
Notes (Contraindications etc/ Application)
Best not with epilpsy or stomach irritation.
Discontinue 7 days before anaesthetic and surgery 2 days after
and then it’s good to use it after that
(before it could make the healing happen too quickly and cause kelloid scars)
Fresh plant tincture 1:2
both 3 times per day
cream or ointment.
Parts Used ?
Actions ?
Clinical Application?
Notes (Contraindications etc/ Application)
Ginko Biloba
Parts Used ? Leaves.
Actions ? Very anti-oxidant, antiplatelet activately (mild) Circulatory stimulant/tonic. Vasodilator. TIssue perfusion enhancer.
Secondary: Neuroprotective, nootropic(cognitition enhancing) anxiolytic, antinflammatory, antiatherosclerotic, cardioprotective.
It is so anti-oxidant it survived the bombing of china, it can handle pollution, it has survived millions of years.
Most of its action are due to it’s antioxidant effect.
Clinical Application
Any time exposed to radiation.
Doctrine of signatures for the brain
It’s a very complex herb but mainly:
Cardiovascular conditions - vasodilation - improving blood flow of microcirculation. poor circulation.
Atherosclerosis, Arteriosclerosis , stroke, arrhythmia.
Good for the elderly as atonic - cardiovascular, brain and nerve function - antiaging due to the antioxidant effect.
Lots of brain issues, nervous system issues.
Very bitter, cooling and drying
Notes (Contraindications etc/ Application)
Herb drug interactions - speculative - may have additive effects to anti-coagulant, antidiabetic, antihypertensive drugs
Reduced effect of anticonvulsant, antipsychotic
Careful around surgery times.
Convenient as a tablet, extract.
Ginko is standardised in it’s prescription
2:1 Extract . (Standardised)
Tilia SPP
Parts Used ?
Actions ?
Clinical Application?
Notes (Contraindications etc/ Application)
Tillea is sitting under a waterfall, butall the rocks are stopping the water flowing through and all the fish hav eno water
its making her REALY anxious and shes hectically clearing the rocks (vasodilator) to help with her anxiety - she feels sedated knowing how happy she is
Shes sweating from all the work (diaphoretic)
Parts Used ? Flowers
Actions ? Peripheral Vasodilator, Sedative/Anxiolytic (mild) spasmolytic.
It just helps you chill out, a bit of a calming effect.
Clinical Application
Particuarly for: Anxiety related cardiovascular conditions (hypertension, arteriosclerosis, dizziness and palpitations) Poor microcirculation due to anxiety
It has a antispasmodic relaxing action on the nerves that suppl the peripheral blood vessels, for tension associated hypertension and tissue perfusion conditions
Really good if someone gets a cold or flu and the fever won’t break. The person is getting really irritable.
Sweet, moist, cool
Notes (Contraindications etc/ Application)
Just hypersensitivity from flower pollen
Dried, infusion or tincture.
Infusion are best for diaphorises - hot - to make sweating (fever/flu)
Reduction of absorption of iron - separate by two hours.
Vaccinium mytillus
Parts Used ?
Actions ?
Clinical Application?
Notes (Contraindications etc/ Application)
Bilberry - Blueberry
Parts Used Fruit - berry
Antioxidant, Vasoprotective, vasotonic, antioedema.
Secondary: Astringent and collagen stablizer. prevents formation of plaque (therefore cardioprotective) protective for the liver.
Nutritive (has a lot of vitamin c in it )
Clinical Application
Eye conditions and eye adaptation from night to day, slows growth of cataracts, diabetic retinopathy. Gluacoma. Good for eye strain also.
Microcirculatory conditions - venous insufficiency, varicose veins, oedema, tired legs, haemorrhoids, good for pregnancy (tired legs cramps etc) capillary fragility. Atherosclerosis and heart disease
Sweet, cooling, drying
Notes (Contraindications etc/ Application
Compliance easy - yummy
Stop a week before surgery
Has additive effect anticoagulant, antihypertensive drugs.
Tincture 1:1
Fresh fruit.
Some companys do it as a 3:1.
Decotion dried herb
tablet or capsule also
Zanthoxylum clava-herculis
Parts Used ?
Actions ?
Clinical Application?
Notes (Contraindications etc/ Application)
Herculis Bark
Imagine Hercules with a big spiky weapon, crouching on the floor dhanging.
Eating Bark
His heart undergoes a lot of stress fighting off predators
He also is in ICE - so he needs to sweat as he never sweats, his heart needs a lot of love too
he craves warmth and hes always starving. (diaphoretic, sialagogue (increaess saliva)
Parts Used Bark
Actions Circulatory tonic/stimulant - but mild not like capsicum
Vasotonic, diaphoretic.
Secondary, Alterative carminative and sialoguge.
Clinical Application
Circulatory insufficiency, tissue perfusion problems.
Sluggish circulation (oedema)
dry and warm
Notes (Contraindications etc/ Application)
Often it’s added as an aid to help get the other herbs to the organs through the tissue perfusion.
1:2 Tincture.
Angelica archangelica
Parts Used ?
Actions ?
Clinical Application?
Notes (Contraindications etc/ Application)
Angelica archangelica - SHE SMELLS BEAUTIFUL! (volatile oils stimulating the digestion - aromatic bitters)
Shes y ARCH angle giving me a remedy for tummy pain.
Parts Used Room (others are also used)
Actions Carminative (has antispasmotic effect) spasmolytic, aromatic digestive, orexigenic. It relaxes the organs of the GIT (small, large, stomach)
It also promotes the circulation to these organs, by promiting circulation it promotes the digestive process (like releasing hydrochloric acid pepsin etc)
Bitter tastes - receptors also promote digestion. It promotes an appetite.
Secondary: Peripheral circulatory, stimulant (mild) diaphoretic, diuretic,
Clinical Application:
Poor appetite (annorexia) recupperation from an illness.
Indigestion, griping, (bloating, colic, nausea) poor GIT function (bitter function) especially when circulation is poor.
Sweet, Bitter, Warm.
Notes (Contraindications etc/ Application)
Dont use it in too high doses - can cause nausea
Increases sensitivity to Sunlight (uv rays).
Artemisia Absinthium
Parts Used ?
Actions ?
Clinical Application?
Notes (Contraindications etc/ Application)
Artemisia absinthium
Parts Used ? Leaf
Actions VERY bitter, one of the bost bitter herbs (tonic) orexigenic(appetite stimulant) anthelmintic (anti-worms) antiparasitic.
Secondary - nervine stimulant.
Clinical Application
Poor digestion/lack of appetite, dyspepsia, flatulence, parasites and worms.
Notes (Contraindications etc/ Application)
Asteracea family - allergies.
seizure disorders due to the containents of thujone.(not suitable during pregnancy because of this).
Cinnamomum Verum
(cinnamon bark)
Parts Used ?
Actions ?
Clinical Application?
Notes (Contraindications etc/ Application)
Cinnamomum Verum
(cinnamon bark)
Parts Used ? Bark
Actions ? Carminative, aromatic digestive, spasmolytic. Regulates blood glucose levels (hypoglycaemic)
Clinical Application
Good for candida infections.
GIT condtions, dyspepsia, weak digestion, flatulence, fullness, diarrhea, nausea, peptic ulcers. A little blood sugar regulation (a bit unknown) and hypertension
Warming, stimulating, drying
Notes (Contraindications etc/ Application)
Contraindicated in pregnancy.
Tincture, Infusion or decotion. 3 times per day.
Filipendula ulmaria
Parts Used ?
Actions ?
Clinical Application?
Fillipendula Ulmaria
you’ve had WAY too much dairy, too much philly cheese. your stomach is not doing well
Your stomach needs support
You now have acid reflux
Filipendula ulmaria
Parts Used ? Aerial Parts
Actions Stomachic (tonic to the stomach), antacid (oversecretion of acid and pepsins), gastroprotective(from any irritants), gastric acid regulator, (whether you have hypoacidity or too much, it will normalize it) mild bitter, hepatoprotective.
Anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-pyretic (from salysilic acid derived singularly to produce aspirin etc).
Clinical Application:
Normalising the stomach acid levels.
Toning the stomach
Acid Reflux
peptic ulcers
weak digestion
Drying cooling
Anyone allergic to salicylates
Additive effect to anti-coaggulants, aspirin, any salicylate containing drugs and anti-inflammatory. Narcotics/opioids.
Tincture, dried herb, fresh herb infusions.
Foeniculum vulgare
Parts Used ?
Actions ?
Clinical Application?
Foeniculum vulgare
SOUNDS LIKE FOLLIAGE (think of folliage in a photoshoot with naked lady pregnant covering her boobs with Folliage - foeniculum vulgare)
Umbel arrangement
Foeniculum vulgare (Fennel)
Parts Used Fruit(seed)
Actions Carminative, aromatic digestive, spasmolytic, mild bitter. Galactagogue (improves and promotes the flow breast milk)
Clinical Application
Chronic weak digestion, dyspepsia, infnatile colic, colitis, spasmodic gut conditions. Weak lactation.
Warming , drying, sweet.
additive effect to oestrogen mediators or anticoagulants.
Liquid extract or diffusion.
Parts Used ?
Actions ?
Clinical Application?
Parts Used Flowers
Carminative, spasmolytic, mild sedative, anti-inflammatory
Secondary: vulnerary, diaphoretic, bigger, digestive, antimicrobial
Clinical Application
Best suited for GIT problems when there is stress and anxiety associated with it.
Ingestion, splasms, bloating, irritable bowel conitions. Nausea and vomitting.
Sweet, cooling, drying , bitter
Notes/ Contraindications:
Dried herb in a good quality
Tincture -
Bath, proultice and rinse, gel or cream.
Asteracea family allergy
Additive effects to other drugs.
Hormone replacement drugs and contraceptions
Melissa Officinalis- whats the other name?
Actions ?
Clinical Application?
Notes (Contraindications etc/ Application)
Lemon Balm!
So aromatic.
Actions ?
Carminative & Spasmolytic, Sedative (mild)
The nice thing about Melissa is it’s sedative action also. It’s more calming than Chamomile(matricara) so it’s good for anxiety.
Also good for sores etc, topical application as quickly as possible for an outbreak of herpes.
Clinical Application
Stress and Anxiety is increasing nausea, irritation, indigestion effects on the gut. Irritatbility - nervous break down, good in conjuction with a nervine tonic. (GIT CONDITIONS WITH ANXIETY - NERVOUS TENSION ASSOCIATED). Abdominal cramping. Infantile colic (good tasting too)
Notes (Contraindications etc/ Application)
Actions ?
Clinical Application?
Notes (Contraindications etc/ Application)
Actions ?
Carminative/Spasmolytic - Diaphoretic.
Anti-emetic, choleretic(stimulates bile production), cholagogue(helps flow of bile from gall bladder).
Clinical Application
GIT Conditions - Dyspepsia (it increases gastric emptying - helps to increase the time that it takes for food to move to stomach into small intestine). Infantile Colic, Gastritis. Chronic digestive problems and spasmotic complaints like cramping, IBT, collitis.
Also has anti-viral impact on Herpes I & II.
Notes (Contraindications etc/ Application)
It’s initialling cooling secondarily warming.
It may reduce breast milk production.
Actions ?
Clinical Application?
Notes (Contraindications etc/ Application)
GINGER!!!!!!!!! (Similar importance to Garlic - very important and potent herb)
(garlic, onion, ginger such a great cross spectrum of actions)
Carminative, Spasmolytic, Anti-emetic, Digestive Stimulant, Anti-ulcerative, periperal circulatory stimulant.
Secondary - Anti-inflammatory, hypolipidaemic, antioxidant, diaphoretic, anti-platelet aggregating, Hepatoprotective, nephroprotective, immunomodulatory, antiicrobial, anti-carcinogenic.
Clinical Application
Stimulates the flow of saliva, gastric secretions and bile, gastric emptying and motility
Inhibits growth of bacteria that form ulcers
Reduces serum cholesterol, triglycerides and LDL cholesterols.
Improves insulin sensitivity
Motion sickness/ Morning sickness/ Nausea.
Stomach pains. Bad digestion
Type I & II Herpes topically with essential oil
Hypotensive actions. (high blood pressure)
Helps burn up calories(thermogenic-brown fat metabolism) (weight management loss plan).
Notes (Contraindications etc/ Application)
Additive effect to some drugs. (added absorption)
Actions ?
Clinical Application?
Notes (Contraindications etc/ Application)
Hypoglycaemic, antidabetic, hypocholeteraemic, anti-inflammatory
Clinical Application
Good for GIT conditions poor digestion like bloating, belching and flatulence, loss of appetite, gastrointestinal inflammation.
Good for high blood lipid and cholesterol levels, atherosclerosis. Diabetes management
What is a carminative?
What are some examples?
A carminative are spasmoltic- they reduce the spasm of the gut wall - co-orinating and regulation it’s contractions - it soothes and settles the wall. This inturn improves the blood flow and aids with digestion.
May regulate gastric emptying- for example, when someones gastric emptying is too slow, their digestion is sluggish often may result in harden stool,(may need zingiber officinalis) strained bowl movements/ constipations. Or when it is too fast, it may need to be slowed (such as Melissa officinalis) may be that they have diarrhea or sloppy stool. Not absorbing enough nutrients etc through the intestines.
Through these actions carminatives help to expel pain and gas, cramping bloating flatulence etc
Melissa officinalis(lemon balm) (slows the gastric emptying)
Zingiber officinalis(ginger) (increases gastric emptying and stimulates digestion)
Mentha pepperita (peppermint)
Trigonella foenum -graecum (fenugreek)
What is an adaptogenic? What are some examples?
They are herbs that help regulate the stress response that we have to any stressors whether they be environmental, physical or emotional.
They help our non-specific resistance to stress (generally) enabling better ability to adapt and thrive/ survive.!
Good for depleated adrenal cortex stress hormones.
Example - Withania somnifera
Panax Ginseng
What is an adrenal tonic? Whats an Example?
An adrenal tonic is something that generally tonifys the structure and supports structure and function of the adrenal glands. Mainly the cortex
Example is Glycyrrhiza Glabra. (Root) Liquorice
What is an alterative/ Depurative? What’s an example?
Supports and enhances the major channels of elimination , it does this through cleaving . It helps the body elliminate waste, and will in turn detoxify all the waste products accumulated in the blood and within the tissues Removes toxins, mucus from lymph and blood
Alterative herbs gradually restore the function of an organ
Arctium lappa (greater burdock)
Galium aparine (cleavers)
Urtica diocia (nettle)
Trifolium pratense (red clover)- also made for live stock is very nutritive,
What is an analgesic/anodyne? Whats some examples??
Something that helps alleviate pain sensation
Through the spianl cord/nerves to the brain
Eschscholzia californica (californian poppy)
Capsicum minnimum (through exhaustion of creating so much substance P till it has completely run out and pain will be gone until more substance P is made by the body. Capsicum minnimum is also a rubefacient.
What is an antacid give an example? Or an acid regulator
A herb that neurtalizes acid in the gi tract.
Regulates the production of HcL- in the stomach which will overall lower the overall acitity within the gastrointestinal tract
Whether you are producing too much Hcl or not enough Filipendula ulmaria will regulate it back to normal!!
Filipendula ulmaria