Mate selection Flashcards
What is the primary method used to study the evolution of behavioral patterns in humans?
A) Genetic analysis
B) Comparative method
C) Fossil records
D) Archaeological findings
B) Comparative method
The comparative method is commonly used to study the evolution of behavioral patterns in humans. This method involves comparing behaviors across different species, or between humans and other primates, to identify patterns and infer evolutionary origins. By looking at the similarities and differences in behaviors, researchers can hypothesize how certain behaviors might have evolved and what selective pressures may have shaped them over time.
Which primate species is known for having a strict dominance hierarchy among males?
A) Gorillas
B) Baboons
C) Chimpanzees
D) Humans
B) Baboons
Baboons are known for having a strict dominance hierarchy among males. In these social structures, males compete for higher ranks within the group, and dominant males have better access to resources, including mating opportunities. The hierarchy is often maintained through aggressive interactions and alliances, and lower-ranking males generally have to submit to higher-ranking males. While other primates like gorillas and chimpanzees also exhibit dominance hierarchies, baboons are particularly well-known for their complex and strict male dominance systems. (harem style- top male has the attention of 2-11 females)
What hypothesis suggests that giving meat to fertile females increases a dominant male’s chances of mating?
A) Meat-for-sex hypothesis
B) Dominance hierarchy hypothesis
C) Sexual selection hypothesis
D) Reproductive success hypothesis
A) Meat-for-sex hypothesis
The meat-for-sex hypothesis suggests that dominant males may increase their chances of mating by providing meat to fertile females. This behavior is believed to be a form of resource provisioning, where males offer food (in this case, meat) to females in exchange for mating opportunities. By giving meat to females, dominant males may signal their ability to acquire resources, thereby making them more attractive mates. This hypothesis is particularly relevant in species like chimpanzees and other primates, where social and mating behaviors are closely tied to resource access.
What is the term used to describe the concealed ovulation in human females?
A) Visible oestrus
B) Cryptic oestrus
C) Permanent oestrus
D) Cyclical oestrus
B) Cryptic oestrus
Cryptic oestrus refers to the phenomenon in humans (and some other species) where the female’s fertile period is not externally visible or easily detectable by males. Unlike many animals, where females exhibit obvious signs of fertility, human females have concealed ovulation, meaning males cannot readily detect when a female is ovulating based on visible cues. This concept is key in understanding human reproductive behavior and mate selection. This led males to be always attentive to their females increasing their survival success
Which mating system involves a man having more than one wife?
A) Monogamy
B) Polyandry
C) Polygyny
D) Polygamy
C) Polygyny
Polygyny is a mating system where one male has multiple female partners (wives). This is the most common form of polygamy, where a man has more than one wife simultaneously. It contrasts with polyandry, where one female has multiple male partners.
According to Buss’s study, what characteristic do women rate highly in a long-term partner?
A) Physical attractiveness
B) Social status
C) Youthfulness
D) Athletic ability
B) Social status
According to David Buss’s studies on human mate preferences, women tend to rate social status as one of the most important characteristics in a long-term partner. Buss’s research found that women often prioritize traits like resource acquisition, social status, and the ability to provide and protect, which are linked to the evolutionary benefits of securing good genes and resources for offspring.
What is the primary reason for the sexual division of labor (Provisioning theory) in hunter-gatherer societies?
A) Physical strength differences
B) Child-bearing and child-rearing responsibilities
C) Hunting skills
D) Social status
What is the evolution
B) Child-bearing and child-rearing responsibilities
The Provisioning theory suggests that the primary reason for the sexual division of labor in hunter-gatherer societies is related to child-bearing and child-rearing responsibilities. In this context, women typically engage in gathering food and other resources because they have the responsibility of caring for young children, while men often hunt because they have fewer childcare duties and can more effectively provide food for the group through hunting activities.
This division is thought to have evolved as a way to optimize reproductive success: women’s roles are closely tied to the physical demands of pregnancy and child care, while men’s roles are often focused on activities that require mobility and strength, such as hunting. This division maximizes efficiency and supports the survival of offspring, contributing to the evolutionary fitness of the group.
Would you like to dive into how this division of labor relates to broader evolutionary theories?
What is the evolutionary advantage of cryptic oestrus in human females?
A) Increased reproductive success
B) Attraction of multiple mates
C) Ensuring paternal investment
D) Avoiding predation
C) Ensuring paternal investment
The evolutionary advantage of cryptic oestrus in human females—where ovulation is concealed and not visibly detectable by males—is thought to be related to ensuring paternal investment. By making ovulation less obvious, females may encourage males to provide continuous support and resources (like protection, food, and care) throughout the relationship, rather than just during times of fertility. This increases the likelihood of paternal investment in offspring, which can enhance the survival and success of the children.
The idea is that concealed ovulation may have evolved to foster long-term pair bonding, which promotes greater male involvement in raising offspring.
Which primate species has a unimale group structure with one mature male called a silverback?
A) Chimpanzees
B) Gorillas
C) Baboons
D) Humans
B) Gorillas
Gorillas have a unimale group structure, meaning the group typically consists of one dominant, mature male, called a silverback, along with several females and their offspring. The silverback leads the group, protects it, and mates with the females. This social structure is common in gorilla troops, where the silverback maintains authority and controls group movements and decisions.
What is the term used to describe the evolutionary adaptation of falling in love?
A) Sexual imprinting
B) Mate guarding
C) Parental investment
D) Reproductive success
A) Sexual imprinting
Sexual imprinting refers to the process by which individuals develop a preference for certain traits or characteristics in potential mates, often based on early experiences or exposure to caregivers or other influential individuals. While the concept of “falling in love” itself is complex and may involve biological, psychological, and social factors, sexual imprinting can be considered an evolutionary adaptation related to mate selection, where individuals develop preferences that might increase reproductive success. This concept helps explain how specific traits or behaviors become attractive in potential mates and could influence long-term partner selection.
Which primate species is known for having matrilineal societies?
A) Gorillas
B) Baboons
C) Chimpanzees
D) Humans
In baboons, social hierarchy and relationships are heavily influenced by maternal lines. Females typically stay in their birth group throughout their lives, and their social rank is often determined by the rank of their mother. This means that the bond between mothers and daughters is crucial for establishing social status within the group.
To clarify:
Chimpanzees also have complex social structures, but their societies are more influenced by male dominance hierarchies, even though maternal bonds are important.
Baboons, however, have a more clear-cut matrilineal system where females inherit their social rank from their mothers.
What is the primary factor that influences human mate choice according to evolutionary psychology?
A) Cultural norms
B) Social status
C) Genetic compatibility
D) Reproductive success
D) Reproductive success
According to evolutionary psychology, the primary factor influencing human mate choice is reproductive success. This concept is grounded in the idea that individuals are naturally driven to select mates who will maximize their chances of producing healthy offspring with good genetic potential. Factors like genetic compatibility, physical attractiveness, and social status can play roles in this process, but they are all ultimately linked to enhancing reproductive success — whether through securing resources, finding suitable genetic material, or ensuring the survival of offspring.
What is the significance of the mass:testes ratio in primates?
A) It indicates the level of sperm competition
B) It determines the dominance hierarchy
C) It reflects the social structure
D) It measures reproductive success
A) It indicates the level of sperm competition
The mass:testes ratio in primates is thought to be an indicator of the level of sperm competition within a species. Species with a higher level of sperm competition typically have larger testes relative to body size, as they produce more sperm to increase their chances of fertilizing an egg when multiple males may mate with the same female.
This ratio is linked to mating systems: species with multi-male mating systems (e.g., chimpanzees) tend to have a higher mass:testes ratio compared to species with single-male mating systems (e.g., gorillas), where sperm competition is less intense.
Monogamous species generally have smaller testes because there’s less need for sperm competition.
Polygamous species (both polygyny and polyandry) typically have larger testes because of higher sperm competition.
What is the primary reason for the preference for good looks in human mate choice?
A) Social status
B) Fertility
C) Genetic compatibility
D) Physical strength
B) Fertility
The preference for good looks in human mate choice is often linked to fertility. In evolutionary terms, physical attractiveness can signal health, youth, and fertility, all of which are associated with higher reproductive success. Traits like clear skin, symmetry, and body shape can be indicators of good health and genetic fitness, which would increase the likelihood of producing healthy offspring.
While genetic compatibility (C) is also important in mate selection, the emphasis on physical traits typically ties back to the biological signals of fertility and reproductive potential.
What is the primary function of love according to evolutionary psychology?
A) Ensuring long-term commitment
B) Increasing reproductive success
C) Enhancing social status
D) Providing emotional support
B) Increasing reproductive success
According to evolutionary psychology, the primary function of love is to increase reproductive success. Love, especially romantic love, is thought to have evolved as an emotional mechanism to promote long-term pair bonding, which can help ensure paternal investment, provide support for raising offspring, and increase the likelihood of survival for the children. In this context, love helps individuals form lasting connections that contribute to raising healthy offspring, thereby passing on their genes to future generations.
This emotional bond also promotes commitment and cooperation, which are beneficial for successfully raising children over the long term. Would you like to explore how different types of love might have evolved?
What is the primary factor that influences the sexual permissiveness in different cultures?
A) Economic independence
B) Social status
C) Genetic compatibility
D) Reproductive success
A) Economic independence
Economic independence is a significant factor influencing sexual permissiveness in different cultures. In many societies, when women (and sometimes men) achieve higher levels of economic independence, it tends to correlate with more liberal attitudes toward sex and sexual behavior. This is because economic independence can give individuals more control over their lives, including their sexual choices, without relying on traditional social structures or family expectations that often dictate more conservative sexual norms.
In cultures where women and men have more economic freedom, there may also be less pressure for marriage or long-term partnerships based on economic necessity, which can lead to greater sexual permissiveness.
Why is chastity considered important for males seeking long-term relationships?
A) It indicates the partner’s social status
B) It ensures the partner’s fertility
C) It reduces the risk of cuckoldry
D) It enhances the partner’s attractiveness
C) It reduces the risk of cuckoldry
In evolutionary terms, chastity is often considered important for males seeking long-term relationships because it reduces the risk of cuckoldry, which refers to the situation where a male unknowingly invests resources in offspring that are not genetically his own. From an evolutionary perspective, males want to ensure that the offspring they are helping to raise are indeed their biological children. Therefore, a partner’s chastity (i.e., sexual exclusivity or fidelity) can signal a lower risk of infidelity, increasing the likelihood that the male’s investment in the relationship is directed toward his own genetic legacy.
This is a key consideration in the context of mate guarding and paternal certainty in human relationships.
Why might chastity be more important for males than females in long-term relationships?
A) Males are more concerned with social status
B) Males are more concerned with genetic compatibility
C) Males are more concerned with ensuring paternity
D) Males are more concerned with physical attractiveness
C) Males are more concerned with ensuring paternity
From an evolutionary perspective, males may place more importance on chastity in long-term relationships because they are particularly concerned with ensuring paternity certainty. Males have a vested interest in knowing that the offspring they help raise are genetically their own, as they invest resources and care in the child-rearing process. If a female has had sexual partners other than the male, it could lead to uncertainty about the biological father of the offspring, potentially undermining the male’s investment in the child.
This concern is linked to the concept of cuckoldry, where a male unknowingly raises offspring that are not genetically his, which would represent a wasted investment in evolutionary terms.
What is the primary factor that contributes to a woman’s market value in mate selection?
A) Social status
B) Physical attractiveness
C) Financial resources
D) Intelligence
B) Physical attractiveness
From an evolutionary perspective, physical attractiveness is often considered a primary factor in a woman’s market value in mate selection. This is because physical traits such as symmetry, clear skin, and body shape can signal health and fertility, which are key indicators of reproductive potential. In evolutionary terms, men are often drawn to physical attractiveness because it can be a sign of genetic fitness and an indicator of a woman’s ability to produce healthy offspring.
That said, other factors like social status, intelligence, and financial resources can also play a role in mate selection, but physical attractiveness is often highlighted as a significant factor in evolutionary psychology, especially for males seeking reproductive success.
How does a woman’s perceived level of attractiveness influence her mating strategy?
A) Less attractive women tend to engage in more casual sex
B) More attractive women tend to engage in more casual sex
C) Less attractive women tend to seek long-term relationships
D) More attractive women tend to avoid relationships altogether
In some contexts and research studies, less attractive women are found to engage in more casual sex compared to more attractive women. The reasoning behind this often ties into mate availability and opportunities:
Mate Competition: Less attractive women might feel that they have to engage in more casual sex to attract mates, as they may perceive fewer long-term commitment opportunities. They might also engage in casual sex as a way to enhance their reproductive chances without waiting for a long-term partner to invest in them.
Mating Strategy: For some women who may have fewer long-term options due to perceived lower attractiveness, short-term mating can be a way to maximize reproductive success through more mating opportunities.
In contrast, more attractive women may have more mating opportunities and may be more selective, often seeking long-term relationships due to their higher status in the mating market, where they can afford to be choosier in their partners.
According to research, what type of men do the most beautiful women tend to marry?
A) Wealthy men B) Powerful men C) Intelligent men D) Attractive men
beautiful women often pair with powerful men (B). Powerful men can provide resources, social status, and protection, which could be an attractive trait for long-term mating, especially in terms of security and resource investment in offspring.
Research shows that women may prioritize qualities like dominance, status, and power when seeking long-term mates because these traits signal the ability to provide resources and protection for potential offspring. The idea here is that power and status can act as a form of sexual selection for women looking to ensure the best possible environment for their children.
So, while physical attractiveness is a key factor, power or status can also be highly significant, especially in contexts where resources or social stability are important.