Matchings Flashcards
What is a matching in a graph G?
A set of edges where no two edges are incident with the same vertex.
When is a matching, M, maximal?
If M union e is not a matching for each e in E(G)\M. In other words if it is not possible to add an edge e in E(G)\M to M without two edges sharing a vertex.
What is a maximum matching?
The maximum size of all the possible matchings in G
What is the size of the largest matching in G?
At most |V(G)|/2
When is a matching perfect?
When M = |V(G)/2
Can a perfect matching exist if |V(G)| is odd?
Nah mate
If there is a matching M in G, when is a path P in G M-alternating?
When edges of P alternate in and out of M
If there is a matching M in G, when is a path P in G M-augmenting?
When edges of P alternate in and out of M and at least one edge of the beginning or ending edge is unmatched.
Berge’s Theorem: A matching M in a graph G is ___ iff …
maximum… there is no M-augmenting path in G
Hall’s Theorem: Let G be a bipartite graph with partition {A,B}. Then there is a matching in G with every vertex in A matched iff…
For every subset S of A, |N(S)| \geq |S|
When does a bipartite graph have a perfect matching?
When |A|=|B|, |N(S)| \geq S for every subset S of A, |N(S)| \geq S for every subset S of B
For a bipartite graph G, G has a matching of size m iff….
N has a flow value of m
Every graph G such that no subgraph of G is ___-___ ___ is ___-___
k-edge-connected… k-colourable
Tutte’s Theorem: A graph G has perfect matching iff…
o(G-S) \leq |S| for all subsets S in V(G)