Matching (44) (88) Flashcards
Christ as preacher (Scripture)
Matthew 4:17, Mk 1:14-15
Christ as prophet (Quote)
“Kingdom of Heaven is near”
The K of G appears in Matthew
4 times
The K of G appears in Mark
14 times
The K of G appears in Luke
32 times
Matthew uses Kingdom of ____, whereas the other writers use kingdom of ___.
Heaven, God
“Take up your bed and walk”
- Jesus ministered to the man, when no one else had
- Enabled the man to do what he had not been able to do
- Constituted a breaking of the Sabbath; forbidden to carry a burden
- Not a violation of law of Moses, but of Pharisaic tradition
My father worketh hitherto, and I work
Equated himself with God
Sabbath violation was great, but a
Violation greater was blasphemy
What was the plucking of grains to eat by His disciples?
A violation of Pharisaic tradition
What was the triple offense of disciples eating the grains?
Reaping, threshing, making a meal
What must take precedence over religious observance?
What was Jesus defense for healing the man with the withered hand on Sabbath
It is lawful to do good on the sabbath.
Not only did Jesus fulfill the OT law,
He elevated it’s requirements
The Beatitudes: Check all that apply
Give good advice Attitudes of being Active righteous characteristics Basis for blessing There are 7
Attitudes of being
Active righteous characteristics
Basis for blessing
Blessed are the Poor in Spirit
For theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven
Blessed are those that mourn
For they shall be comforted
Blessed are the Meek
For they shall inherit the earth
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness
For they shall be filled
Blessed are the merciful
For they shall obtain mercy
Blessed are the pure in Heart
For they shall see God
Blessed are the peacemakers
For they shall be called the children of God
Blessed are they which endure persecution for righteousness sake
For theirs is the kingdom of heaven
Confession of sin
Poor in Spirit
Those who have no merit to stand before God
Recognizes and submits to God’s authority
Hunger & Thirst
Righteous have an appetite for the things of God
True righteousness produces a concern for the needs of others
Pure in Heart
Not measure’s by mans practice but by God’s character
They bring a message of peace
To identify with Jesus means suffering with him
Christ: Recognize the need.
already in relationship
Christ: Repentance
Nothing to repent of
Christ: Submission
Only obedience to tradition
Christ: Mercy
Hiding behind God’s judgement
Christ: Pure in heart
Only external religion
Christ: Peacemaker
Discord and strife
Christ: Persecution
Pharisees were the persecutors
A thirst inducer
Reveals & Exposes
The fulfiller: NOT (3 things)
- Against the law
- Coming to reduce it’s requirements
- Going to change it
The fulfiller: But (2 things)
- Coming to fulfill all the law required
2. Law represented the holiness of God, whose demands were unalterable
Anger, hate, malice are the roots of
Lust is the root of
How many biblical reasons are there for divorce?
- Fornication
If your root is honesty, you won’t need to
Make an oath
Mercy and forgiveness solve the problem of
Equal retribution
True love does what
Exceeds what the law demands
Maturity is the root of
What 3 things must we do privately?
- Almsgiving
- Prayer
- Fasting