Match 1 Flashcards
What are verbs?
Verbs are action words, like run, eat, and play. They can also describe states of being, like am, is, and are.
What do adverbs describe?
Adverbs describe how, when, where, or to what extent an action happens.
They often end in -ly (e.g., quickly, silently, yesterday).
What do adjectives do?
Adjectives describe or modify nouns by giving more information about them, like big, blue, exciting.
What are pronouns?
Pronouns replace nouns to avoid repetition. Common examples include he, she, it, they.
What are nouns?
Nouns are people, places, things, or ideas.
What are proper nouns?
Proper nouns are specific names for people or places, like Africa or John. They are always capitalized.
What are abstract nouns?
Abstract nouns are ideas or qualities you can’t touch, like love, honesty, freedom.
What are common nouns?
Common nouns are general names for things, like cat, city, book.
What are articles?
Articles are a, an, and the.
A/an are indefinite articles (used for general things), and the is a definite article (for specific things).
What are the main uses of apostrophes?
Apostrophes have two main uses: Contractions and Possession.
What are contractions?
Contractions combine two words, like don’t (do not) and I’m (I am).
What does possession indicate?
Possession shows ownership, like Sarah’s book or dog’s collar.
What are inverted commas?
Inverted commas, also known as quotation marks, are used for direct speech and titles of short works.
What is a stereotype?
A stereotype is a generalized belief about a group, like ‘All teenagers are lazy.’
What is bias?
Bias is a preference or unfair support for or against a person or group.
What is prejudice?
Prejudice is a negative judgment or opinion formed without facts; it’s often unfair and hurtful.
What is a subject in a sentence?
The subject is who or what the sentence is about, usually a noun or pronoun.
What is a predicate?
The predicate is what the subject does or is, including the verb and what follows it.
What is an example of subject and predicate?
In ‘The cat sleeps on the mat,’ the cat is the subject, and sleeps on the mat is the predicate.
What are gerunds?
Gerunds are verb forms ending in -ing that act as nouns, like swimming in ‘Swimming is fun.’
What are statements?
Statements are simple sentences that express facts or opinions, ending with a period.
What is an adjectival clause?
An adjectival clause describes a noun and usually starts with who, whom, which, or that.
Example: ‘The book that you gave me is amazing.’
What is an adverbial clause?
An adverbial clause describes a verb and tells how, why, when, or where.
Example: ‘I went inside because it was raining.’
What is active voice?
Active voice is when the subject does the action.
Example: ‘The dog chased the cat.’
What is passive voice?
Passive voice is when the subject receives the action.
Example: ‘The cat was chased by the dog.’
What is a simple sentence?
A simple sentence contains one independent clause.
Example: ‘She runs.’
What is a compound sentence?
A compound sentence contains two independent clauses joined by a conjunction.
Example: ‘She runs, and he walks.’
What is a complex sentence?
A complex sentence contains one independent clause and at least one dependent clause.
Example: ‘Although she was tired, she ran fast.’
What are conjunctions?
Conjunctions connect words, phrases, or clauses.
Examples: and, but, or, because.