Matals Flashcards
Name 5 physical properties of metals
Solids at room temp.
Malleable and ductile
High melting point + High density
Good conductors of electricity and heat.
What are the 4 metal properties
( metal +acid —>………)
- Metal + acid —> salt + hydrogen
- Metal + oxygen —> metal oxide
- Metal + water —> metal hydroxide + hydrogen
- Metal + oxygen —> metal oxide + hydrogen
Name 5 physical properties of non-metals
- Solids and gases at room temperature(bromine is a liquid )
- Poor thermal conductor
- Poor conductor of electricity(except graphite )
- Low melting point and low density
- Brittle + not malleable
Name 3 uses of Aluminium
Aircraft + cars (low density )
Overhead electrical cables (ductile + good conductor if electricity )
Food containers (resistant to corrosion )
What are the uses of Zinc
- alloy in bronze /brass
- sacrificial protection
- galvanizes iron -protective coating to prevent rusting
- batteries
What is the use if copper
- for electrical wires (good electrical conductors + ductile )
What is an alloy
A mixture of two or more metals or a metal and non-metal .
Why are alloys more suitable for use than pure metals
- they are harder + stronger and can resist rusting with air +water
What is brass made from?
And it’s 2 special properties ?
And it’s 2 uses ?
Copper and zinc
Stringer + more resistant from rusting
Electrical fittings + car radiators
What is stainless steel made from?
What is its special property ?
What are its 3 uses ?
(CINC) Chromium , Iron , Nickel , Carbon
Resistant to corrosion
Kitchen sinks , cutlery , surgical instruments
Why are alloys stronger ?
They are stronger because of the irregularity if the different atoms sizes +structure which stops the layers from sliding over each other making them stronger
Why is aluminum seemingly unreactive despite its high place in the reactivity series.
Because aluminum makes an unreactive layer of aluminum oxide . Which is unreactive
What is the reactivity series
What are the products if water + cold water and metal + steam
Metal + cold water —> metal hydroxide + hydrogen
Metal + steam —> metal oxide + hydrogen
What can displace hydrogen from its acid. What does hydrogen do
Everything above hydrogen can displace in its acid + hydrogen cannot reduce its oxides