Mat Exercises Flashcards
Chest Lift
P. 28
Remember arms reach up in air while lifting chest and lowering chest
Pelvic Clock
P. 30
Dead Bug
Femur Arcs
P. 36
Variation: both legs
Bent Knee Opening
P. 38
Variation: both legs
Side to Side
P. 40
Progression: top leg extended or both legs extended
End with rotation stretch with feet on floor
Arm Arcs
P. 62
Movement is both arms together
Variation: alternating arms
Assisted Roll Up
Press legs away from body into hands keeping curl
Roll Up
P. 66
Variation: maintain arms reach overhead while elongating spine
Variation: hamstring stretch
P. 68
Front to back
Up and down
Passé- developpe
Prone Press Up
P. 70
P. 72
Variation: pump arms, palms up, or thoracic extension
Book Opening
P. 74
Spine Stretch
P. 112
Variation: Hands down with palms up or down
Sit in butterfly if unable to long sit or bend knees
P. 114
Variation: on box or stack of mats to decrease shoulder mobility demand
P. 136
Options: 90/90, legs extended, full hundred position
P. 138
Variation: add rotation
Country lateral stretch
P. 176
Leg Pull
P. 178
Can change hand position
Leg Pull Front
P. 180
Variation: add ankle rocking during hip extension
“Sweep the foot off the ground”
Swan I
P. 206
Press through top of feet, 1st and 2nd
Pelvis comes off the ground
Swan II
P. 208
P. 210
Variations: knees bent or arms can be overhead or hovering on mat
Spine Twist
Part 2: p. 30
Variation: Diamond sit, seated on box, hold ring or cross arms
Standing Roll Down
Part 2: P. 32
Weight 60%balls of feet 40% heels
Single Leg Kick
Part 2: P. 50
Forearms on mat, elbows towards body, chest lifted, Pulse twice
Variation: pubic bone off mat, increase spine and hip extension, increase tempo
Part 2: P. 52
Inhale for 4, exhale for 4
Variation: with spine extension
Part 2: P. 54
Remember articulation, thumb down
Variations: sit on box, knees bent in diamond,
Side Lift
Part 2: P. 90
Repeat 3-5 times
Variations: bend bottom knee or stagger feet
Rolling and Seal
Part 2: P. 92
Rolling: hands outside
Seal: hands inside, tap 3 times
Single Leg Stretch
Part 2: P. 112
Start: knees to chest grabbing one knee, then curl up, then extend opposite leg
Variations: feet pointed or flexed, hip flexion angle,
Cross Cross
Part2: P. 114
Prep: knees bent, feet on floor pivot on elbow
Part 2: P. 116
Leg Circles
Part 2: P. 156
Variation: opposite knee bent
Double Leg Kick
Part 2: P. 158
Head to one side, flex feet during 3 kicks, extend arms and legs while lifting chest then turn head to opposite side as you lower down
Double Leg Stretch
Part 2: P. 160
Variation: reach to ceiling, one arm and leg at a time,
Push Up
Part 2: P. 186
Roll down and walk hands out to inverted V, push out into plank, 3 push ups, pike hips to inverted v, walk hands back to feet and then fool up
Bend knees on roll down/ up as needed
Part 2: P. 188
Prep: both hands stay on mat as hips lift
3-5 rotations on each side before lowering hips