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Civil Aviation Act 1990 s80 c-h


s80C - What an ASO can do in the SEA(powers and duties)
-screen,search any person, item, substance or vehicle
-before the person,item,substance enters the SEA
-present in the SEA
If no lawful authority for item or substance the ASO can
-Detain , destroy, dispose of it
-deny entry into SEA
-Direct person in possession of item,substance or vehicle transporting them to leave the SEA

80D - Do Search Me(consent)
ASO must gain consent from person to be screened or searched or from person in possession of item, substance or vehicle.
An item substance or vehicle may be searched, screened, without consent if it’s unattended. ASOs may search unattended vehicles if unlocked.

s80E - You can’t search me ( person refuse consent to be screened/searched)
If refusal of consent the ASO may:
Deny entry into SEA
Require them to leave SEA
Remove item substance vehicle from SEA
Prevent from entering a SEA after denied entry
Remove from SEA if required to leave
Detain a person who refuses to leave or attempts to enter when denied entry.
Detain a person who refuses to be searched/screened.
Use reasonable force or ask for assistance to prevent entering / removal from SEA or detention.

S80F - Search of Persons refuses consent to be Searched.
Police may without warrant:
Search persons,items,substance or vehicle in persons possession.
Detain the person for the purpose of being searched.
Take possession of any item, substance under ACA 1972 s11(1)
Must have reasonable grounds to suspect an offence under ACA 1972 has,is being committed or likely to be committed.

s80G - Searches of person
A person must if directed by ASO:
Remove, raise, lower or open any outer clothing
Remove any gloves footwear jewellery
Allow an ASO to carry out pat down search
During a Pat down an ASO may:
Run or pat his or her hand over the body ,inside or outside clothing. Not underclothes.
Insert his hand inside any pocket,pouch in the clothing.
Ask person to open mouth ,display palms or soles of feet, lift or rub their hair.
Includes the authority to search any item ,substance carried by them.

s80H - Power to stop vehicles in a SEA for screening or searching.(Halt)
ASO in uniform may signal or request a driver in a SEA to stop the vehicle as soon as practicable to search for any item, substance or person in the vehicle.
The driver must remain stopped as long as reasonably necessary to screen/search the vehicle,item or substance or person in the vehicle.

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Civil Aviation Rules
Part 19.355 ( God will keep you alive)
Prohibitions G-O-D

Fences min 2.4m high
Min distance form fence line 1.5m


This rule creates an offence for any person who leaves any door , gate, or other barrier leading into a security area or SEA of an SDA or an operational area of an ordinary airport open or insecure.
Gates ,Doors ,Open barriers could be used by unauthorised personnel to gain access to sterile / secure areas.
It is also an offence to leave vehicles or equipment such as ladders or aircraft stairs up against security fences or barriers being used to prohibit public access to security areas or operational areas of any aerodrome.
These items can be used by unauthorised personnel allowing them to climb over the fence /barrier gain access into a security/operational area.
If you discover an insecure door leading into the security area/operational area/SEA you need to investigate to find out who left the door insecure. You can do this by contacting the airport company or other appropriate company who control computerised door access codes to provide you with the appropriate printout of the access users for that door at around that time you found the door insecure. You will need to submit a report to your Duty Sergeant with findings.

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Civil Aviation Rules
Part 19.353 (give that AWIFEI to me)
Restrictions relating to the persons and aircraft subject to security control.


This rule creates an offence for any person who delivers any type of weapon, firearm, ammunition or explosive device to another person who has been security screened or places on board an aircraft any listed items.
An example would be an airline representative who uplifted a pax diving knife which had been processed as security item by AVSEC. Instead of delivery to the hold of the aircraft gives it back to the pax.

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Civil Aviation Rules
Part 19.357 (you can go to heaven)
Airport Identity Cards


This rule sets down the provisions for the use of Airport Identity Cards (AIC) which are a very important security measure. All AICs are approved by the Director of Civil Aviation and remain the property of CAA. The person must have a favourable security check prior to issue of the AIC. However a favourable security check is not required for temporary ID cards. A person issued with a temporary ID card must be escorted by a person who does have an AIC.
APPROVAL for the AIC is given by the director of civil aviation after undergoing a valid security check. Or the director is satisfied with an alternative security check.
1) Breast height in front of outer garments is where the AIC is to be worn.
2) Is in possession another identity document or other identity documents for the time being are authorised by the director. (Temp AIC)
CUSTOMS or other officers may have their name omitted this is approved by the Director of Civil Aviation.
DUTIES only are to be performed when in a secure or SEA in accordance with the issuing authorities rules and regulations. Not for personal use.
EXAMINATION of the AIC by any authorised person of anyone entering a security area or SEA. AICs shall be produced for inspection or any other documents for the time being are authorised.
FINISHING employment with issuing authority of the AIC results in the cessation of authority for the AIC. The AIC needs to be returned to that issuing authority.
GROUPS of people who do not need to display a CAA AIC are
F 1) foreign aircrew but they must wear their own issuing authorities AIC in front of outer garments.
U 2) undercover officers of either Customs or the Police etc.
P 3) pax with valid boarding pass for the purpose of embarking or disembarking a flight.
P 4) any pilot in command operating private operations for the purpose of embarking / disembarking/ servicing the aircraft must have a valid pilots license in their possession or any person being escorted by the pilot.
HOLDING a temporary AIC, that person needs to be escorted by a person who has been issued with an AIC which has been through the check / vetting process.
If an ASO discovers an airport worker in a security area or SEA who is not authorised to be there the following steps should be taken.
Ascertain form the person what exactly is their purpose for being in the area CAA 1990 sect 84.
Ask to inspect their AIC
Upon establishing that the worker has no authority to be in the security / SEA area order them to leave the Security area.
Retain possession of the AIC and escort the person out of the security/SEA area.
Find out how they managed to gain access into the security area or SEA and file a report with findings to the Duty Sergeant.

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Civil Aviation Act 1990
Section 84



D: Director may declare by signs within any SDA/SDNI to be a SA
D: (1A) Director may declare by signs any area within a SA is a SEA
E: Enter and Remaining for official duties can only be done by Police and ASOs everyone else needs AICs
N: NAPAP shall be given when requested by ASO
O: Ordered to leave the SA/ SEA if they fail or refuse to provide details may be made by the ASO
R: Reasonable Force may used by ASO and anyone called to assist to remove offender from SA/ SEA
D: Detaining of the offender will happen if after warning they persist in refusing to supply the ASO with their details. They are entitled to have the BORs explained to them then delivered to Police ASAP.
P: passengers embarking or disembarking are entitled to pass through a SE/SEA without AIC
O: Others that can pass through the SE/SEA as per car part 19.357 (g) are pilots on private charter operations and their customer providing he has Pilots license on his person.

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NZ Bill Of Rights



Inform the person at the time of the arrest/ detention the reason for it
Inform the person they have the right to consult and instruct a lawyer without delay and in private
Inform the person they have the right from making any statement
Treat the person with humanity and with respect for the inherent dignity of the person

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Civil Aviation Act 1990
Section 80B (LAGS and AWIFEI)
Powers of the Aviation Security Officers to search for and seize Prohibited Items or Substances to be carried on aircraft or into sterile areas.
Ask pax to relinquish LAGs


This section gives ASO’s the authority to deal with prohibited items and/or substances detected in the search and screening of a person,item,substance or vehicle or persons in the vehicle.
a) Before entering a sterile area
b) While they are present in a sterile area.
The ASO must gain consent before the search is carried out.
This section empowers the ASO to seize and detain the prohibited items or substance if the ASO believes on reasonable grounds that the item or substance may not be carried on board the aircraft or into the sterile area.
If it is discovered that the seized item or substance may be carried on board the aircraft or into a sterile area the ASO must as far as practical return the item or substance to the passenger.
Passengers with prohibited items or substances (Dangerous Goods, pocket knives, scissors over 6cm etc) will not be permitted into a sterile area. The ASO will seize or detain the prohibited items or substances from the passenger. Prohibited items or substances will be disposed of in accordance with current AVSEC standard operating procedures (SOPs).
Prohibited items or substances that are deemed as offensive weapons (eg butterfly knife, mace, pepper spray) which are detained or seized are to be delivered to the NZ Police and an AVSEC form 3.1 is to be completed.
LAGs are not seized only relinquished by the pax.

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