Mastership level I Flashcards
How do you safely approach a horse?
Approach a horse from its left and from the front. Never walk behind a horse unannounced. If it is necessary to approach from behind, speak to the horse to warn of your presence. As soon as the animal is aware of you stroke it gently on the croup, then move calmly to the head. The closer you stand to the horse the less likely you are to be kicked.
How do you properly tie a horse?
Tie horse to an object that is strong and secure with a rope long enough to allow comfortable movement, but short enough to avoid becoming tangled or getting a foot over the rope. Do not stake horses out. Tie your horse far enough away so strange horses can’t fight. Always untie the lead rope before taking the halter off your horse. Never tie your horse by it’s reins.
How do you stop a frightened horse while you are on the horse?
Turn it in a circle and tighten the circle until it stops.
How do you safely guide your horse around an obstacle?
If an obstacle frightens your horse, steady it, give it time to overcome the fear. Then ride by the obstacle. Do not punish it.
Is it ok to cross under the neck of a horse?
Is it important to know a horse’s peculiarities?
Yes. If someone else is riding it, tell him or her what to expect.
What is important to know for safe grooming?
Always let your horse know what you intend to do. For I stance don’t just grab and pull at their feet. Learn simple means of restraint, such as cross ties. Work about a horse from a position as near the shoulder as possible. In this way the front nor hind feet can hurt you.
Memorize pictures of the grooming equipment in chapter 7
See HH Book, chapter 7.
What is the difference between a dandy brush and a body brush?
Dandy brush has stiff bristles for cleaning and the body brush has smoother fibers to pick up the fine dust and dirt particles.
Memorize all the parts of English and western saddle.
HH Book Pages 32 and 33
Define bridle
HH Book Page 28
Memorize the diagram of the horse body parts
See study guide
Be able to identify the bulbs, sole, white line, point of frog and wall of hoof.
See diagram on page 48
Be able to identify the fetlock, Pasternak, coronet and good walk.
See page 49 in HH Book.
What are the functions of the hoof?
Shock absorption.
What is thrush?
Disease of the frog of the horses foot caused by unsanitary conditions and bacteria. The infection is usually black and strong smelling. It is located in the frog in the commissary or sulcus.
What is laminitis?
Also called founder. Serious ailment of the sensitive laminar possibly caused by overeating grain or lush pasture, too much water when the horse is hot, overwork or inflammation of the uterus following foaling. Occurs more often in front feet. Prompt treatment by vet may prevent permanent injury.
What does it mean when a horse is pigeon toed?
Front toes turned in, heels turned out
What is corrective shoeing?
Correct defects of stance or gait, often making it possible for any sound horse to render satisfactory service. Shoes may be used to help cure disease or defective hooves. They may also be used to relief pain of injured parts.
What is plantar cushion?
The plantar cushion acts as a sponge where blood pools when the foot strikes the ground, pressure causes the plantar cushion to compress, forcing blood into the veins and up the leg.