Mastering the CLI Flashcards
What are the advantages of a CLI when compared to a GUI?
- Faster
- Uses less system resources
- Is more consistent and predictable update-to-update than a GUI
- Flexible and Powerful
What is the Anatomy of a CLI line?
- Prompt: Shows current directory or Branch Name
- Command: Instructions
- Option/Flag: Indicated by a
; optional and they customize the output/operation of the command - Argument: A data set that the command works on/with; some commands support multiple arguments, seperated by a space
- Cursor: Shows current position of user interaction
What does the command echo
prints argument to the screen
What does the shortcut CTLR+c
Kills any command that is currently running, and starts a new line
What does the shortcut CTLR+a
Moves cursor to the beginning of the line
What does the shortcut CTLR+e
Moves cursor to the end of the line
What does the shortcut CTLR+u
Clears the current line
What does the shortcut CTLR+l
Clears the terminal window (but does not clear history)
What does the shortcut Up Arrow
Copies the previous command to the line
What does the shortcut Down Arrow
Copies the next command to the line
What does the command ls
Lists the contents of the working directory
What does the command ls -a
Lists the contents of the working directory w/ hidden files
What is the argument in ls
A path
What does the command man
Opens a ‘manual’ for the argument, which is a command
What directory (in a UNIX filesystem) contains basic commands and programs needed to achieve minimal working environment?
/bin (/sbin)
What does the command cd
changes the directory to the path given in the argument
What does the command cd
do (Specifically with no argument)?
changes the directory to the home directory
What does the command mkdir
Makes a directory with the directory name given as arguments, can make multiple directories in one call
What does the command touch
Makes a file with the file name given as arguments, can make multiple files in one call
What does the command mv
Moves a file (the first argument as a filepath) into a given directory (the second argument)
What is a shell?
A command-line interpreter, responsible for sending commands to the OS/Kernel, and responses to those commands back to the CLI