Master 1-8 COPY Flashcards
(sf) -pathy
(sf) -algia
(sf) pain
(sf) -graph; -graphy
drawing; recording; describing
(pf) semi-
(pf) half
(sf) -cele
(sf) swelling; hernia; tumor
(sf) -itis
(sf) -plasty
surgical repair of
(sf) -malacia
(sf) -ism
condition; theory
(pf) dia-
(pf) complete; through
(pf) micro-
(pf) small
(pf) inter-
(pf) between; among
(pf) pan-
(pf) all
(sf) -pexy
fixation of; suturing in place
(pf) endo-
(pf) inside
(pf) hyper-
(pf) excessive
(pf) ex; exo
(pf) out; away from
(pf) ecto; exo-
(pf) outside
(pf) tachy-
(pf) rapid
(pf) heter-; hetero-
(pf) different
(pf) neo-
(pf) new
(sf) -emia
(sf) condition of blood
(sf) -lithiasis
pertaining to stones
(pf) ultra-
(pf) beyond; in excess
(sf) -sis; -osis
condition; status; process
(pf) hemi-
(pf) half
(sf) -megaly
(pf) syn-
(pf) with; together
(pf) circum-
(pf) around
(sf) -oscopy
examination of an organ organ or cavity by viewing
(pf) ante-
(pf) before
(pf) retro-
(pf) backwards
(sf) -otomy
excision into an organ or cavity
(pf) anti-
(pf) against
(pf) mal-
(pf) bad
(sf) -emesis
(sf) vomiting