Massage info on Pathology Flashcards
Skin Cancer
any tumor is local contraindicatation
Gentle Massage and NO Ice or cold massage.
Important not to treat trigger points with deep or aggressive pressure. Use shorter pulsing gentle pressure in trigger points.
Myofascial Pain Syndrome
Massage is indicated to help clean up debris left behind from chronic muscle tightness
Myositis Ossificans
always local contraindication. If injury is acute it is unwise to increase bleeding or impair the healing process by stimulating and stretching the affected tissue.
Shin Splints
Swedish is contraindicated when acute to rule out compartment syndrome.
as long as it is not to advanced, Massage is indicated.
Spasms, Cramps
Ischemic or exercise related cramps indicate massage as long as the ischemia isn’t relasted to a contraindicating condition.
even with underlying pathology has been ruled out massage must be used with caution. It is best to use gentle stretch of the tendon and antagonists of the cramping muscle.
Locally contraindicated while in acute stage. RICE Swedish massageindicated when subacute.
Superior centripedal flushing can decrease swelling. supportive when subacute
acute or unset broken bones are locally contraindicated for massage.
Indicated with caution for the clients resilience.
Postural Deviations
Massage is indicated if no other contraindication is present.
Ankylosing Spondylitis
Joint disorder: Always work in conjunction with healthcare provider. Swedish Massage is indicated if not in flare up.
Locally contraindicated while in acute: otherwise supportive
an old dislocation that occasionally subluxates or even entirely dislocates
without trauma, massage will do no harm as long as care is taken to be sure he or she is positioned in a way that feels safe and comfortable
Gout systemically contraindicates massage when in acute. Gouty joints locally contraindicate massage at all times.
Ice is contraindicated lowering the temp promotes crystal formation.
Indicated during subacute stage. Reduces pain through release of the muscles surrounding the affected joints
and to maintain range of motion through gentle stretching and passive range of motion.
Patellofemoral Syndrome
PFS indicates massage as long as the knee isn’t acutely inflamed.
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Contraindicated during Acute (flare) phase.
Indicated during subacute phasewithin clients tolerance.
Massage is appropriate with caution. if bone spurs are irratating nerves the surrounding muscles tend to splint
them against painful movement. Highly recommended to work with a primary caregiver who has a complete set of MRI or Radiographs.