Mass Media - Theories of Mass Media Flashcards
When did New Media first appear?
In the 1980s.
What is Content Analysis?
It measures how often a word, phrase or theme is used in a piece of media.
What are Semiotics?
The study of signs and codes in the media.
What are experiments?
Studying how an actual audience responds to the media.
What does Bagdikian 2004 say about media ownership in the past 30 years?
That most of the American Mass Media is now only owned by 5 major companies.
What are Traditional Marxist view about ownership and control?
That Media owners control what we seen in the media and actively use their power in companies to manipulate content in favour of the ruling class ideologies.
What is the Neo-Marxist view of ownership and control?
They believe that the mass media reflects the ideas of the ruling class and their control is indirect with the views of the ruling class being presented through the media as natural, common-sense views to have - known as cultural hegemony.
What is ‘Cultural Hegemony’?
It is one set of ideas dominating over other ideas.
What is the Pluralist View of Mass Media?
Media reflects the values and beliefs of society. Media has to respond to market demand or face failure, who owns the media doesn’t matter.
Some opinions are more expressed than others because media is a reflection of the most common view of society.
What does ‘censorship’ mean?
The process of controlling the media to remove harmful or offensive messages to protect society for moral, political or security reasons
Give one advantage and one disadvantage of semiotic analysis?
Advantage: It can find deeper meaning in things like advertisements.
Disadvantage: It is subjective to bias from the researcher’s own values.
Give one advantage and one disadvantage of Content Analysis?
Advantage: It investigates the relationship between two phrases or themes.
Disadvantage: Content analysis takes a long time and ignores context.
Give one advantage and one disadvantage of experiments?
Advantage: It shows how actual people react to the media, not just theories.
Disadvantage: People are subjective to demand characteristics, participant bias and the Hawthorn effect.
What is cross-media ownership?
When the same companies own different forms of the media.
What is the Traditional Marxist view on mass media?
Media serves the economic power of the ruling class. Media presents what is important and relevant to the ruling class.