Mass Media & Society Flashcards
Magic window
Conveys the idea that children believe that media provides a window into reality.
Adult discount
We become increasingly skeptical of media reality as we get older
News perspective
Influenced by unavoidable constraints, business environment, and operating conventions
Unavoidable constraints: Deadlines
Story can only convey info available when it’s due
Unavoidable constraints: geographical focus
More “local” news within a specific region means some places receive more attention than others
Unavoidable constraints: resource limitations
If reporters can only go to so many places and cannot cover all events who decides what gets covered
Ultimate goal is to attract audiences and not offend them
marketing perspective
News is not about what audiences need to know but what will will attract them
Organizational structure
Small companies are more flexible but how many small news outlets are viable or persist
Fewer owners with more influence reinforce the marketing perspective
Celebrity reporters, big name news outlets, and exclusive stories
Perception of values
Stories are reported that resonate with perceived national values
Use of sources
The same sources are used causing non-objective or limited perspectives
Making up the facts or accepting facts without checking them
Willful distortion/ignoring important stories, providing certain outlook/advancing an ideology
The average story is imbalanced bc we don’t know how many sides there are