Mass And Energy Balances Flashcards
How do you calculate the mol fraction and how is it denoted?
Mol fraction = mol of particular substance/total moles present in system.
x - liquid phase mol fraction
y - vapour/gas phase mol fraction
z - mixed system
How do you calculate mass fraction and how is it denoted?
Mass fraction = mass of component/total mass in system.
Mass fraction is denoted by w
How do you calculate specific gravity/relative density?
Density of substance at stated T and P/density of reference substance at same stated conditions
What is Dalton’s law of partial pressures?
The total pressure of a gas equals the sum of pressures exerted by the individual molecules of each component gas were they to occupy the volume of the system at the same temperature as mixture
What is the partial pressure of a component in a gas mixture?
The pressure that component exerts were it isolated in the system volume at the system temperature.
What is the ideal gas law?
PV = nRT
What is the equation for calculating partial pressure from mol fraction and total pressure?
PA = yA x P
What is Amagat’s law of additive volumes?
The total volume of an ideal gas mixture is equal to the sum of volumes of the individual components if they were measured at the same temperature and pressure as the whole mixture.
What can be said about the volume fraction and mol fraction for an ideal gas?
They are equivalent.
Define a gas.
A gas is a vapour phase component that cannot be condensed by isothermal compression.
Define a vapour.
A vapour is a gas phase component that can be condensed by isothermal compression.
What is the saturated vapour pressure?
The pressure of a system when the vapour and liquid phases of a component are in equilibrium.
What is the triple point?
The point when liquid, solid and vapour are in equilibrium. This is a unique property of the material, it can’t be predicted, must be measured.
What is the critical point?
The point on a vapour/liquid equilibrium line where the physical properties of the vapour and the liquid phases become the same.
What does cooling a gas isobarically mean?
Cooling a gas at constant pressure.
What is sensible heat?
A heat exchange that can be sensed by a temperature change.
What is latent heat?
An energy change that doesn’t cause a change in temperature but causes a change in phase.
How do you calculate the mol of a substance in mol and kmol?
In mol, it’s mass in grams/RMM
In kmol, it’s mass in kg/RMM