Mass Age Chart Flashcards
Child must attend school
Minimum age to institute child requiring assistance
What age ?
Age 9:
Children age 9 or older may deliver newspapers with parents or guardians permission.
Abandonment of child under ______ years of age 119/52
Child legally presumed incapable of committing a crime what age ?
Under age 12
Youngest age to charge an offender with a crime.
Age 12
Tender years doctrine(lacks maturity to consent to accompany and adult without parents permission)
Child must be appropriately restrained by a car seat of safety belt
——— age and under ?
Age 13 and over :
Children and adults must be appropriately restrained by a safety belt in a motor vehicle.
Aggravated A&B on a child
Indecent A&B of a child
Child under_____ May not work unless delivering papers
What age and under ?
Under 14
Miranda waiver only valid if parent or interested adult is present
No detention in jail or juvenile detention
Juvenile court jurisdiction for murder
This is proper procedure for anyone under the age of ?
Under 14
Indecent A&B on a person ______ and over sexual touching of breasts, genitals and buttocks are allowed but no intercourse
Children ______must obtain an employment permit to work
This occurs for ages ___and over
14 and over
Miranda waiver valid if parent/ interested adult present (only exception is if juvenile is highly sophisticated)
No detention in adult jail, but may be held in a secure detention center for up to 6 hours
Superior court jurisdiction for murder
Juvenile court jurisdiction for youthful offender and delinquents
This is for ages _____ and up
Age 14 and over
Child requiring assistance( truant school misbehavior)
Statutory rape(minor incapable of consenting to intercourse)
Rape of a child under ____
Assault with intent to rape a child under _____
Enticement for sex or violence
What age and under ?
16 and under
Helmets are required for bicycles and those using inline skates non motorized scooters and skateboards
What age and under
Age 16
May consent to sexual intercourse
Responsible for seatbelt fines
What age and over
Age 16 and over
Child requiring assistance
Mandatory reporting of child abuse and neglect
Care and protection
Mandatory reporting of a missing child
Contributing to the delinquency of a minor
Contributing to the violation of a juvenile court order
Reckless endangerment of a child
Parental kidnapping
Parental consent for abortion required
Under what age are these reports made ?
Anyone under the age 18
Protective custody (requires immediate parental notification)
Protective custody of child knowingly in presence of class a b or c
Under age _____ protective custody ?
Age 18
Marijuana possession of 2 ounces or less (94/32L)must attend drug awareness class
Selling drug paraphernalia to buyer under ___ (94c/32I)
Selling glue or cement to a minor (270/19)
Distribution of class a,b or c to a minor(94c/32F)
Inducing minor to distribute drugs(94C/32K)
Drug crimes for anyone under age _____?
Sexual conduct for a fee with a minor(272/53A)
Inducing a Minor to become a prostitute(272/4A)
Electronic Enticement of a prostitute(265/26D)
Deriving Support from earnings of Minor Prostitute(272/4B)
Creating Child Pornography(272/29A)
Disseminating Child Pornography(272/29B)
Possessing Child Pornography(272/29C)
Disseminating Obscenity to Minors(272/28)
Human Trafficking (Enhanced Penalty)(265/50,51)
These crime are all ?
Sex crimes for anyone under 18
Miranda waiver only valid if parent/interested adult present unless youth is highly sophisticated
Under 18
Mandatory reporting of abuse and neglect of disable to Disabled Person Protection Commission
No Longer eligible for CRA proceedings or police custody as a runaway
When party turns ____ years old
When party turns 18
Miranda waiver. No parent/interested adult protection
considered an adult for criminal charges, detention and incarceration.
When person is ____ years old
18 and over
Contributing to Violation of a juvenile court order (_____is the minimum age of a defendant)
Report any missing person under ___to CJIS (Federal mandate)
Selling or furnishing alcohol to person under ___
Procuring alcohol by false representation or ID
Person under ___possessing marijuana
Transferring marijuana to person under ___
Procuring marijuana or marijuana accessories
Selling tobacco product to person under ___
Under what age ?
Under 21