Masonry Flashcards
Masonry strength is based on the strengths of the unit. Mortar and pattern -of units the strongest bond / pattern is strecher
Mortar classes
Class I ( 10 M Pa ): in highly stressed walls or multistory
Class 2 (5 M.P. A ): normal applications.
Class 3 ( 1.5 m.p.a ) light loaded and limited exposure to dampness
Characteristics of earthquakes
- Stress occurs in fault lines due to movement, causing plates to snap/slip causing earthquakes
- The (compession)p wave is 2 x faster and hits first but the S wave is more destructive
- When it hits the earth it makes surface waves and travel radially at a speed of 8 km/s
P wave and S wave movements
- Expand and contract ( lateral movement
- Expand and contract and shearing / rolling ( elliptical ) - love waves are horizontal - Rayleigh are vertical -
Most destructive wave
S (Rayleigh)
Wave propagation is effected by
Elastic moduli and soil density
Best materials to build on for eq
- Solid bedrock - waves travel faster with low amplitudes
- Consolidated sediment - waves slow down with higher amplitudes leading to worse destructions
- Water saturated is sand / mud -Consolidated sediment ditto but worse due to liquefaction _
Basic parameters of building destruction-
- Foundation materials
- Eq frequency normally about 20Hz in relation to the building
- Eq resistance of the building
Why do eq occur in SA
Due to increased mining activity
How much do plates move
50 mm / year
Conceptual design for E Q (rule 1 and 3 )
Rule l: simplicity in design allowing to predict the flow of forces
Rule 3: torsional resistance structure and member resistance should be able to resist torsion this can be done by including shear walls or bracing in two arthogal directions
Cd rule 5 and 4
- Diaphragm behavior of slabs - should be able to transfer seismic forces tovertical resisting members
- Foundations - it should be able to distribute seesnier forces evenly to the ss
Cd 7 and 8
7.. free standing walls and chimney should be avoided, parapets should be braced
- The entire structure should be tied together, structural frames should be monolithic
Cd 10 and q