Gordon: the state and law making
Marxists see law enforcement as:
Criminogenic Capitalism
- Serving the capitalists
- laws are to protect private property
- organised crime is a major operation in the west
Chambliss: Selective Law Enforcement
The US supports capitalists in 3 ways:
- criminals are labelled “social failures”
- imprisonment of w/c keeps blame away from the system
- defines criminals as animals
Pearce: ideological functions
Laws such as Health and Safety Act create a false class consciousness by creating a fake caring face of capitalism
Neo Marxism: takes ideas from traditional Marxists and Interactionism
Looks at why people commit crime and why criminals get treated harshly and labelled
Ian Taylor: impact of globalisation
R/C has moved operations abroad where they can break laws that are not in place and bribe authorities
Is Marxist perspective useful?
Gordon - criminogenic capitalism; crime is a rational response to capitalism
Chambliss - Selective Law Enforcement: gives us an understanding of white crim
Pearce - Ideological Functions: Fake Caring Face of Capitalism
Neo Marx - look at Y ppl commit crime
Not Useful
- ignores other types of crime and over emphasised class
- over emphasise property crime
- fail to acknowledge the law protects everyone
- doesn’t provide solutions