Marxist Flashcards
Define idealogical state apparatus?
A social institution whose main purpose is to pass on the dominate ideology of the ruling class e.g school
Define repressive state apparatus
A social institution whose main role is to enforce the dominate ideology by force or threat e.g the police
Define Correspondence principle
The ways in which the education system mirrors the world of work
e.g. punctuality
Define Hidden Curriculum
The informal leaning processes that happen in school as a side effect of eduction that teaches students the norms and values of society
How do schools reproduce social inequality?
-Deliberately destined the W/C to fail in order to create an unqualified factory work force
-Private education prepares children of the elite for positions of power
-Hidden curriculum is shaped to assist M/C achievement and deter W/C achievement
How do schools legitimate social inequality?
-M/C has access to more cultural and economic capital which puts them at an advantage
-Education encourages students to blindly accept capitalist values, through the hidden curriculum
How do schools reinforce the correspondence principle?
-School processes mirror the world of work in order to prepare them for manual labour:
-Achieved status
-Discipline and consequence
-Dealing with boredom
Myth of meritocracy
Education claims to be meritocratic but schools discriminate in favour of the middle class e.g language
Hidden curriculum lowers working class ambitions
Evaluation of effectiveness of H.C
Existence of anti-school subcultures, truancy and exclusion suggest both the hidden curriculum and the correspondence principle has failed
Willis’ Learning to Labour
Aim: to show that students weren’t
‘passive puppets’ and in fact
aware of their exploitation
methods: studied a group of lads
(working class boys) who
were disruptive and negative
toward education
used mixed methods to
record data
analysis: education was ineffective as
an agent of socialisation as the
lads were not socialised into
work, rather waiting to leave
application: anti-school
subculture within
contemporary education.
does being working class male
carry a label of
evaluations: close bond with boys=
hawthorne effect
“chose to fail” - design or
free will
working class boys end up
in working class jobs=