Marxism (Conservative force) Flashcards
Marxist theories of religion
- prevents individuals from having true understanding of themselves and their situation
- maintains class divisions and the power of RC
MARX - 2 key functions of religion
1. Religion and ideology -> Bourgeoisie use religion to oppress WC
2. Religion and alienation -> used by WC to cushion effects of oppression
Using ideology
- keeps state of FCC - distorted view of reality, prevents workers from rebelling against RC
- ‘spiritual gin’ - an intoxicant doled out to the masses to confuse them and keep them in their place
- LENIN - RC use religion to manipulate WC, create a fog to obscure reality and make them believe there is no way out
- legitimises power of dom class - makes their position divinely ordained eg King is God’s rep, so owed total obedience. Disobedience is illegal/sinful
CRITICISMS - ignores +ve functions of religion eg psych adjustments to misfortune. Neo-marxists see certain forms of religion as assisting, not hindering development of class consciousness
Using alientation
MARX - “Religion is the opium of the people” - it is like a drug that soothes pain of exploitation and distorts reality, makes life bearable and prevents revolution -> masks problem of exploitation rather than treating the cause
- Christianity offers promise of ‘salvation from bondage’ in the afterlife - an illusory happiness. Distracts from true source of alienation (capitalism), makes life more bearable
- emphasises idea that life can be full of suffering, being poor with dignity will be compensated for in heaven
- ALTHUSSER - rejects concept of alienation - it is unscientific and based on a romantic idea that human beings have a ‘true self’ - makes concept an inadequate basis for a theory of religion
Evaluation of Marxism
SECULARISATION - religion seems to have declined in many Western societies, suggesting it's no longer needed to maintain class power FEMINISTS - religion acts to preserve male, patriarchal power, not RC power. Ignores gender and inequality