Marxism and religion Flashcards
What type of theory is marxism in religion
Conservative force
Marx - ideology
- What does he argue about religion as an ideology
- How does religion create a false class consciousness
WHAT: ideology helps the RC who already control economic production now also control the distribution of ideas in society like through institutions - religion is used by the UC to legitimate the suffering caused to the WC
FALSE CLASS CONSCIOUSNESS: It makes people believe suffering is virtuous and they’ll be rewarded in the afterlife - e.g. camel and heaven proverb
Lenin - spiritual gin
- What does he argue about religion
- What does he say about religion and legitimation
WHAT: It’s an intoxicant to keep the WC in their place, as it manipulates people, making them unprone to overthrow by creating a ‘MYSTICAL FOG’ that obscures reality
LEGITIMATE: Religion legitimates power and privilege - E.g. the caste system and divine rights of kings
Marx - alienation
- How does alienation occur in the workplace
- What role does religion play in alienation
WORKPLACE: With the detailed division of labour and the incessant repetition of the same tasks, devoid of meaning
RELIGION: Religion acts a consolation against dull feelings due to exploitation - it only masks the underlying cause of it instead of treating it
Who said this quote - ‘religion is an opium of the people’
Evaluation - sociologists against
- Althusser
- Abercrombie, Hill, Turner
ALTHUSSER: Rejects alienation as being unscientific and based on a romantic idea that humans have a ‘true self’ Making the concept inadequate for a theory of religion
ABERCROMBIE, HILL, TURNER: In precapitalist society, while Christianity was a major element of RC ideology, it only had limited impact on the peasantry
What are some main functions of religion for marxists, and for what sociologists
MARX: Prevent rebellion against alienation
- Act as an ideological force to perform social control