Marxism Flashcards
What do Marxists argue that society works like?
Society also works like a system but in the case the driving force of the system was the eceonomy.
The economy is referred to as the infrastructure and this determines and influences the supersturcture which are social institutions.
The superstructure transmits bourgeoisie ideology whcih inverst our perception of reality. This promotoes false class consciousness to justify class inequalities.
How does religion promote flase class consciousness?
It maintains and legitimises a hierarchy which promotes false class consciousness. E.G: Caste system (HIndu), Heaven and Hell.
How is Marxism useful?
It is usefuk to understand society because it demonstrates how the infrastructure determines the supersturcture to transmit bourgeoisie idelogy.
What is Historical Materialism?
It refers to the belief that society has moved through a number of types of modes of production.
How does Marxism explain social change?
He developed a materialist outlook to understand the development of different socieities.
The way people produce goods, shapes the society they live in.
The driver of social change is class conflict between the dominant and subordiante classes.
Ultimately, the subordinate class will seize power and overthrow the dominant class, leading to a positive social change.
How did society change? (5)
There was primitive communism where everyone hunted and gathered together to survive. There were no conflicts of interest as everybody worked and they all shared.
But as soon as society began to produce more than necessary for survival it became possible for a section of people to not work and be supported by the labour of other people.
Society then divides into two social classes which are the owners and non-owners.
Marx predicted that capitalism will enter periods of crisis with growing polarisation which is an increasing class gap between the poor and rich.
Members of proleteriat will develop class consciousness leading to a proleterian revolution leading to communism.
What arose in class societies?
Alienation - loss in terms of autonomy, power, ownershipand one’s natural self.
Work has become dehumanising rather than fulfilling and this concept is still relevant today.
What did Marx say about work?
Work represented the most important of all human activities and it is a liberating process where individuals can express their individuality and potential.
What happened to individuals when they worked? (2)
The had lost much control of work and they produced goods but not for themselves and workers no longer produced a complete product.
The proleteriats became lifeless and lost their natural self.
What are three forms of alienation?
They have to follow rules.
Can’t afford the fruits of our labour.
‘He is at home when he is not working, and not at home when is working’ What does this mean?
When they’re not at work they are able to be themselves, but when they are at work they need to put a mask on. But, people work at home nowadays so the lines are blurring between work and home.
How many Neo-Marxist traditions are there and who are they?
The Frankfurt School
What did Gramsci argue? (3)
Ideas are just as important as economic structure in maintaining ruling class dominance.
The state has to win consent from large sections of the population which is known as hegemony.
Gramsci argued that people can use thei intellectual ideas to change society because we have dual consciousness.
How does the liberation theology fit into Gramsci’s ideas?
Intelligensia represents he w/c (MLK)
We have counter-hegemony so people can use their own intellectual ideas to challenge dominant groups.
What did Althusser argue? (2)
He accused Marx of economic determinism.
Society consists of three levels: economic level, political level (RSA) and the ideological level (ISA).
The political and ideological levels are important for changing society and the eceonomy remains important in shaping society.